Technical Advisory Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

January 5, 2010



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM in the District Conference room.


Committee Members Present

City of Carmel-by-the-Sea       Sean Conroy

City of Del Rey Oaks               Daniel Dawson

City of Pacific Grove                Sarah Hardgrave, Chair

City of Seaside             Tim O’Halloran

City of Sand City                      Steve Matarazzo


Committee Members Absent:

City of Del Rey Oaks               Daniel Dawson

City of Monterey                      Todd Bennett, Vice Chair

County of Monterey                 Jennifer Bodensteiner

Monterey Peninsula

Airport District             Thomas Greer


District Staff Members Present:

            Darby Fuerst, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

Henrietta Stern, Project Manager

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


District Counsel Present:

David Laredo


Comments from the Public

Sara Hardgrave asked for a status report on the January 27, 2010 hearing on the State Water Resources Control Board Final Cease and Desist Order (CDO) against California American Water, Superior Court Case No. M102101.  District Counsel Laredo stated that on January 8, 2010 the court will consider a motion for a change of venue.  If the change of venue is granted, the January 27, 2010 hearing on the request for a stay of the CDO may be rescheduled.  On December 31, 2009, a motion to intervene was filed on behalf of the cities of Seaside, Sand City and Monterey.  Ms. Hardgrave noted that the City of Pacific Grove is developing a declaration in support of the Writs of Mandate that were filed by California American Water and the MPWMD.  On January 15, 2010, a hearing will be conducted on requests from the Sierra Club and Carmel River Steelhead Association to intervene.  Ms. Hardgrave asked for an update on progress of  California American Water Company’s Application No. 04-09-019 before the Public Utilities Commission regarding the Coastal Water Project.  Mr. Laredo responded that parties to the proceeding: California American Water, Department of Ratepayer Advocates, Surfrider Foundation and the Public Trust Alliance have conducted meetings subject to a strict confidentiality agreement.  Future meetings are scheduled for February 4 and February 9, 2010, when a litigation schedule may be developed.  Mr. Fuerst reminded the committee members that the Phase 1 water supply options would provide water to replace shortages identified in SWRCB Order 95-10.  Ms. Hardgrave requested that in the future, the committee should discuss a reassessment of future water needs of the jurisdictions.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of November 3, 2009 Technical Advisory Committee Meetings

             On a motion by Conroy, and second from O’Halloran the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 5 – 0.


Discussion Items

2.         Update on Proposal to Adopt Resolution 2010-01 that Would Implement Stage 3 Water Conservation to Reduce Outdoor Water Use

            Staff provided an update to the committee.  No action was taken


3.         Update on Request from Water Demand Committee to Develop an Ordinance that would Temporarily Suspend Receipt of Applications for Water Distribution Systems in Fractured Rock Formations

            Ms. Stern presented information on the proposed ordinance, and responded to questions from the committee.  There was consensus that more information was needed on each jurisdiction’s well construction regulations, particularly the County of Monterey because many requests for wells are in the unincorporated area of Monterey County.   One important question is that if a well fails or is contaminated, would the property owner gain access to an alternate water source.


4.         Begin Discussion on Future Development of a Regional Landscape Ordinance

The committee agreed that a sub-committee of the TAC should be formed to work with District staff on development of one regional landscape ordinance.  Ms. Hardgrave and Mr. O’Halloran volunteered to serve on the committee.  Ms. Pintar will also contact local builders and architects regarding their participation.



The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:45 AM.





