Ad Hoc Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
September 24, 2009
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:35 PM in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Bob Brower, Chair
Alvin Edwards
Staff present: Darby Fuerst, General Manager
Andy Bell, Planning & Engineering Manager/District Engineer
Others present: Brad Hageman, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency
Comments from Public
No comments.
Action Items
Minutes of July 21, 2009 Committee Meeting
On a motion
by Director Edwards and second by Director Doyle, the minutes were received
unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.
Discussion Items
2. Update
on Progress of Development of an MOU with Monterey Regional Water Pollution
Control Agency on Water Supply Planning
Fuerst reported that he met with
3. Update
on Progress on Development of an MOA with Marina Coast Water District on Water
Supply Planning and Funding
General Manager Fuerst reported that the MOA was approved by the MPWMD Board on September 21, 2009.
4. Update
on Response from Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency to MPWMD
Request to Participate in the Leadership/Management Framework for Development
of the Regional Water Supply Project
Mr. Fuerst and Director Brower both reported that they have been told in separate conversations with members of the Leadership/Management Group, that the District will be asked to participate at some point in the future, but may not be allowed to be a signatory to any cooperative agreement the group would develop. Committee members will continue to lobby Leadership/Management Group members for the District to gain full participation in the group.
5. Update
on Status of Hybrid Water Supply Project Proposal
Mr. Fuerst advised the committee that the project proponents had not contacted the District about the Hybrid Water Supply Project. The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) determined that the Hybrid project would not be analyzed in the Coastal Water Project EIR. However, the PUC did request more information on the alternative that could be considered during the rate setting process for a regional water supply project.
6. Update
on Status of
Mr. Fuerst
reported that California American Water (
7. Progress
Report on 95-10 Desalination Project
Mr. Bell advised the committee that drilling of test wells has been completed to determine if a clay layer with low permeability exists that separates the upper aquifer unit of the Seaside Groundwater Basin from lower units. Brackish water from the upper unit, if separated, would be used as source water for the desalination project. A draft report on the findings will be presented to the Board of Directors in December 2009.
8. Progress
Report on Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project
Fuerst advised that Phase 1 of the ASR Project is near completion. The project has been in operation, but will
reach its full injection potential of 3,000 gallons of water per minute or 13.3
acre-feet per day after Cal-Am installs a transmission pipeline through the
City of
Cal-Am had proposed development of
additional ASR facilities as a component of the Coastal Water Project. However, progress has been slow. Consequently, Cal-Am is working with the
District to facilitate development of the Phase 2 ASR project. Cal-Am has agreed to withdraw its protest to
the District’s water rights application related to Phase 2, and expressed an
interest in funding installation of additional production wells for Phase 2. The
District has obtained permits to develop a new monitor well at
Schedule Next Meeting Date
No meeting date was set.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:40 PM.