Draft Minutes

Administrative Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

March 9, 2010



Committee Members present:          Alvin Edwards, Judi Lehman and David Pendergrass


Staff members present:      Andy Bell, Thomas Christensen, Rick Dickhaut, Darby Fuerst, Debbie Martin, Joe Oliver, Inder Osahan, Sara Reyes, and Kevan Urquhart  


Call to Order


The meeting was called to order at 8:06 AM in the District Conference Room.  


Oral Communications


No public comment was received.


Items on Board Agenda for March 15, 2010


Consider Adoption of Budgeted Funds to Contract with Zone 24x7 for Water Demand Database Improvements and Maintenance


Darby Fuerst, General Manager, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  Debbie Martin, Conservation Technician and Inder Osahan, Chief Technology Officer, also answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board authorize expenditure of budgeted funds in an amount not-to-exceed $66,800 for programming changes to the WDD DBS to accommodate functionality improvements and database support/maintenance.


Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Sponsor Cistern Workshops by the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association


Darby Fuerst reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board approve District sponsorship and participation in two local Rainwater Harvesting and Accreditation Workshops at a not-to-exceed cost of $5,000.


Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Contract with Ventana Wildlife Society for Carmel River Avian Habitat Monitoring


Thomas Christensen, Riparian Project Coordinator, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with the Ventana Wildlife Society for avian habitat monitoring work along the Carmel River at a cost not-to-exceed $3,100.


Consider Expenditure of Budgeted Funds to Conduct a Test Installation of a Sonic Fish Counting Device in the Lower Carmel River to Enumerate the Steelhead Run


Darby Fuerst and Kevan Urquhart, Sr. Fisheries Biologist, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board approve expenditure of funds for a not-to-exceed amount of $8,318 to contract with Peter Johnson of LGL Northwest.




Consider Adoption of Resolution 2010-03 In Support of Filing Applications to the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) Fisheries Restoration Grant Program


Darby Fuerst and Kevan Urquhart, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board adopt Resolution 2010-03 in support of applying for grant funding from the CDFG Fisheries Restoration Grant Program and authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with the CDFG to receive grant funds.


Consider Approval of Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Investment Report


Rick Dickhaut, Chief Financial Officer/Administrative Services Manager, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board receive and approve the second quarter Fiscal Year 2009-2010 report of investments held by the District.


Consider Adoption of Treasurer's Report for December 2009


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board adopt the December 2009 Treasurer’s Report and financial statements.  Director Lehman requested that staff calculate the rebate amount distributed each month and state this amount in the staff note.


Consider Adoption of Treasurer's Report for January 2010


Rick Dickhaut reported on this item and answered questions from the committee.  The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board adopt the January 2010 Treasurer’s Report and financial statements.


Other Business


Discuss Renewal of the District’s $2.5 Million Line of Credit to Fund Development of Water Supply Projects


Rick Dickhaut, Chief Financial Officer, reported on this item and answered questions from the committee. After considerable discussion, the committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board renew the District’s line of credit in the amount of $1.5 million with Bank of America and that staff continue to monitor economic conditions and stability of banks during the year to see if a change is warranted.


Review Draft Agenda for March 15, 2010 Regular Board Meeting


General Manager Darby Fuerst reviewed the March 15, 2010 agenda and reported on agenda updates that have occurred since production of the Administrative Committee meeting packet.  The committee made no changes to the agenda.


Adjourn to Closed Session


The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 9:06 AM.


