Legislative Advocacy Committee Meeting of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
February 1, 2010
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Dave Potter, Chair
Bob Brower
Judi Lehman
Staff present:
District Counsel present: David C. Laredo
Others present:
Comments from Public
No comments were presented to the committee.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of
October 19, 2009 Committee Meeting
a motion by Director Brower and second by Director Lehman, the minutes were
received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0.
Oral Reports
2. Report from District Counsel on Status
of State Water Resources Control Board Proceedings Regarding Draft Cease and
Desist Order WR 2009-0060
Mr. Laredo reported that he was developing an appellate writ to protest the change of venue order, and request that the court issue a stay of the proceedings. If the appellate court takes no action on the writ, two issues would need to be rescheduled on the court calendar: (a) intervention by Carmel River Steelhead Association and the Sierra Club, and (b) the Attorney General’s request to lift the stay of the CDO.
3. Report
Mr. Arriaga reported that February 19, 2010 is the last date for legislators to introduce bills for this legislative session. He stated that if the District has suggestions for items that could be included in the upcoming water bond act to improve opportunities for grant funding, they should be forwarded to Assemblywoman Anna Caballero. Mr. Arriaga advised that the Association of California Water Agencies is asking for resolutions of support for the water bond. He met with the executive director of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) and gave a presentation on the proposed Regional Water Supply Project. A presentation will also be given to the entire SWRCB on February 16, 2010. Mr. Arriaga also organized a meeting set for Friday, February 12, 2010, at the Marina Coast Water District to provide an overview of the project to elected officials and their staff.
Discussion Items
4. Discuss
Progress on Interaction with
General Manager Fuerst reported that on January 11, 2010 the San Clemente Dam Removal Collaboration Statement was signed. A task force has been formed that meets quarterly to coordinate development of the removal/reroute project. The District will be involved in all meetings and provide technical expertise to the group. The Division of Safety of Dams has agreed to delay enforcement action while the process is moving forward.
5. Discuss
Progress on Interaction with
Mr. Fuerst reported that he met with general managers of the Marina Coast Water District (MCWD), Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) to discuss the District’s participation in monthly meetings of elected officials and agency representatives that are conducted to coordinate planning and development of the Regional Water Supply Project. Director Potter said that those meetings may be discontinued. Mr. Fuerst noted that the District Board of Directors will consider adoption of a resolution of support for the Regional Water Supply Project in February. The District is an active participant in meetings with the Division of Ratepayer Advocates, MCWD, Cal-Am and MCWRA regarding financing agreements related to the project.
6. Review
Status of Coordination with Local Jurisdictions and the State Regarding
Implementation of Regulations for Installation of Greywater Systems
Pintar reported that she participates in the Monterey County Business Council’s
Competitive Cluster on Greywater Reuse. The group has developed a brochure on
installation of cisterns. A brochure on
installation of laundry to landscape irrigation systems is under
development. Ms. Pintar reported that
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 AM.