


Meeting Date:

July 19, 2010





Darby Fuerst




General Manager

Line Item No.:




Prepared By:


Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate:


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


Carmel River Advisory Committee: The Carmel River Advisory Committee met on April 22, 2010 and on July 15, 2010.  Final minutes of these meetings will be provided to the MPWMD Board of Directors under Committee Reports in a future Board packet (see Informational Items in monthly Board packets).


State Propositions 84 and 1E Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program:  The California Department of Water Resources, which is administering the IRWM grant program, is tentatively planning to release final guidelines and three Proposal Solicitation Packages for Proposition 84 funds in late July or early August 2010.  The Monterey Peninsula, Carmel Bay, and South Monterey Bay planning region has an adopted IRWM plan and is eligible to apply for grant funds.  MPWMD staff is working with the Regional Water Management Group and stakeholder group on options for completing applications and revising the IRWM plan (see Consent Calendar Item 9 in this Board meeting packet).


California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP): Senior Water Resources Engineer, Larry Hampson met with a CDFG project review team to discuss the proposals for removal of the Sleepy Hollow Ford and Old Carmel River Dam (OCRD) along the Carmel River and replacement of the stream crossings with bridges.  CDFG asked that the District consider revising its proposal at the OCRD to show an option to remove the dam without a replacement of the bridge.   A revised proposal is being developed.  If the projects are awarded funds, design work could commence in mid-2011.


Carmel River Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting:  On July 1, 2010, Senior Water Resources Engineer Larry Hampson and Senior Fisheries Biologist Kevan Urquhart facilitated a TAC meeting that included a presentation on underlying geologic constraints, historical and annual changes in beach conditions, and different locations used to breach the beach to reduce the potential for flooding (at the northern, southern, and middle of the mouth).  Ken Grey of California Department of Parks and Recreation announced a tentative date to close the Carmel River mouth during the week of July 12-16, subject to the availability of equipment.  Because it is unlikely that funding can be obtained in the foreseeable future to complete the studies outlined by the TAC in 2007 to develop a long term management plan for the lagoon and beach, the TAC agreed instead to focus in the near term on projects to protect structures at risk of flooding and erosion.   The TAC discussed the potential for a community workshop or meeting for interested parties (agencies, homeowners and others).  The focus of the workshop would be to discuss constraints and solutions to improving lagoon management, including the proposal for an Ecosystem Protective Barrier.  The format of the workshop could be similar to previous meetings coordinated by CRWC (i.e., speakers with a question/answer period).


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Regional General Permit (RGP) for Carmel River Maintenance and Restoration:  The District submitted a request and application to the Corps seeking renewal of RGP 24460S to continue to conduct routine maintenance and restoration activities within an 18.6-mile segment of the Carmel River from the Carmel River lagoon at River Mile (RM, measured from the ocean) 0 to the San Clemente Dam at RM 18.6, but not including the dam.  The application was submitted in February 2010.  However, to date the Corps has not issued a Public Notice for the permit renewal, which would start the months-long process to receive, and if necessary resolve, comments by agencies and the public.  District staff have been unable to ascertain the status of the permit renewal.  District staff have requested a meeting with Corps representatives in San Francisco to review the permit renewal.




