Draft Minutes
Administrative Committee
of the
Monterey Peninsula Water
Management District
September 13, 2010
Call to Order
The meeting
was called to order at 8:08 AM in the District Conference Room.
members present: David Pendergrass,
Alvin Edwards
Judi Lehman
Staff present: Darby Fuerst, General Manager
Andy Bell, District Engineer
Joe Oliver, Water
Resources Manger
Sara Reyes, Office
Services Supervisor
Comments from Public
Items on Board Agenda
for September 20, 2010
Consider Expenditure of
Funds to Expand Pilot Fractured Rock Investigation
Oliver, Water Resources Manager, provided an overview to the committee. After some discussion, Director Edwards made
a motion that this item be discussed by the full Board at the September 20,
2010 Board meeting as an Action Item.
Director Lehman second the motion.
Motion approved 3 to 0.
Consider Extension of
Cooperative Agreement with the
Fuerst, General Manager, reported on this item and answered questions from the
committee. The committee voted 3 to 0 to
recommend the Board authorize the General Manger to execute the agreement with
the United States Geological Survey providing cooperative investigation of the
water resources within the District for Water Year (WY) 2011 for an amount
not-to-exceed $13,450.
Expenditure of Funds to Amend Contract for Professional Services to Evaluate
Economic and Cost Allocation Issues Associated with the Proposed Regional Water
Supply Project
Andy Bell, District Engineer, reported on this item
and answered questions from the committee.
The committee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the Board authorize the General
Manager to amend the existing professional services agreement with David J.
Stoldt to perform the services stated in the Supplemental Scope of Services.
Review Draft Agenda for September 20, 2010 Regular
Board Meeting
The committee requested that Item 2 – Consider Expenditure
of Funds to Expand Pilot Fractured Rock Investigation, be moved as an Action
Item on the September 20 agenda.
meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM.