Alvin Edwards

P.O. Box 1543

Seaside, CA  93955





November 10, 2010




Regina Doyle, Chair

MPWMD Board of Directors

P.O. Box 85

Monterey, CA  93906


Subject:     Resignation from Position of Director, Division 1, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Dear Chair Doyle:


On November 2, 2010, I was elected to the Seaside City Council.   California state law specifies that a conflict of interest would arise were I to serve on both the MPWMD Board and the Seaside City Council.  Therefore, it is with regret that I must resign my position as Division 1 Director for the MPWMD, effective November 30, 2010. 


I was first elected to represent Division 1 in 1997.  Since then the District has faced many challenges including questions about its relevancy to the community, and severe State mandated water supply reductions.   It has been a privilege to work with the directors and District staff on development of solutions to these issues.  I’m especially proud of the water conservation programs that have been implemented, and also that Phase 1 of the Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project is fully operational and able to provide an average of 920 acre-feet of water per year to the community, and that test wells have been drilled for Phase 2 of the project.


I wish the Board of Directors much success in achieving your mission to manage, augment and protect water resources for the benefit of the community and the environment. 






Alvin Edwards,

Director Division 1



