


Meeting Date:

December 13, 2010





Darby Fuerst,




General Manager

Line Item No.: 



Prepared By:

Arlene Tavani

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Rule 2 of the MPWMD Board Meeting Rules (Exhibit 24-A) states that in December of each year, the Board will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.  The rules also specify that election of officers shall be the final item on the December meeting agenda.  The officers elected at the meeting will assume their positions immediately following the December Board meeting.  The term of office is twelve months.


Meeting Rule 2.5 specifies rotation of the Vice-Chair into the position of Chair (Exhibit 24-A).   Presently, Division 5 Director Brower serves as Vice-Chair and according to the rule would rotate into the position of Chair for the next year.  The Director representing the County of Monterey, David Potter, would then rotate into the position of Vice Chair.  


Rule 2.5 also states “should the current Vice Chair decline to serve as incoming Chair, the Board shall select the Director next in rotation to serve as Chair.  Should the Director next in rotation for the position of Vice Chair decline to serve in that capacity, the Board shall select the next Director in rotation to serve as Vice Chair.”


It has been the Board’s past practice to elect the General Manager to serve as Secretary and the Administrative Services Division (ASD) Manager to serve as Treasurer.  However, because the current ASD Manager is scheduled to retire at the end of December 2010 and this position will be vacant until a new ADS Manager is hired, it is recommended that the Board elect the General Manager to serve as Secretary and Treasurer in 2011.  Once a new ASD Manager is hired, the Board can conduct a new election to elect the new ASD Manager to serve as Treasurer.   


RECOMMENDATION:   The Board should determine if the current Vice-Chair agrees to serve as Chair for 2011 and if the representative for the County of Monterey agrees to serve as Vice Chair for 2011, and elect the Chair and Vice Chair according to the rotation shown in Rule 2.5.   The Board could also decide to elect the Chair and Vice-Chair by another method.  In addition, staff recommends that the General Manager be elected to serve as Secretary and Treasurer for 2011.



24-A    Rules 2 and 2.5 of the MPWMD Meeting Rules


