Application for Lawn Replacement Rebate

Applicant Information


Applicant Name: ________________________________________         Owner           Tenant

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: _____________________________Phone Number: ________________________  

 (If tenant, owner’s written authorization must be submitted.  Owner will be required to sign deed restrictions.)

Property Information

Property Type:  Single-Family Dwelling      Multi-Family Dwelling          Non-Residential

Property Address: ___________________________________

City: ______________________________Water Company: ______________________________

APN Number: _____-_____-_____- 000        Is the Lawn irrigated with a well?        Yes   No

Identify area(s) where all Lawn exists on Site and specify square footage. Indicate which area(s) will be removed and which, if any will remain. Provide 2-3 photos of each area (photos will not be returned)

Front yard                     Sq. feet existing Lawn

                                         Sq. feet to be removed

Left side yard                        Sq. feet existing Lawn

                                                  Sq. feet to be removed

Back yard                      Sq. feet existing Lawn

                                         Sq. feet to be removed

Right side yard                     Sq. feet existing Lawn

                                                  Sq. feet to be removed

Other: ________________     

                                            Sq. feet existing Lawn

                                            Sq. feet to be removed

Total Sq. ft. of Lawn to be removed: ____________

Total Sq. ft. of Lawn to remain on site: __________

How is the Lawn irrigated now?

Automatic sprinklers     Manual sprinklers    Hand watering     Other ________________

The following items must be included with your application or it will be considered incomplete:

  Water records (most recent 2 years)                Labeled Site diagram showing all areas of Lawn

  2-3 photos of each area of the yard                   Diagram & description of proposed Lawn replacement


The Lawn Replacement Rebate offer is subject to available funding. If funding is not available, completed applications will be held in the order received pending future funding. By signing below, I agree to comply with the program application process, as well as Federal, State, and local codes as applicable.  I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Lawn Replacement Rebate Guidelines. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.


Applicant Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________

NOTE: Prequalified applications are not deemed complete until the District has conducted a final inspection and copies of receipts have been submitted.                                 U:\staff\word\boardpacket\2011\20110224\ConsentCal\03\item3_exh3b.doc