Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

December 8, 2010


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 4 pm in the District conference room.


Committee members present:    Bob Brower, Chair

                                                Regina Doyle

Kristi Markey


Committee members absent:     None               


Staff present:    Darby Fuerst, General Manager

                        Andy Bell, Planning & Engineering Manager/District Engineer

                        Joe Oliver, Water Resources Manager

                        Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant


Comments from Public

Dale Hekhuis, former Director of the MPWMD Board, congratulated the Directors for progress made on development of desalination facilities, for new water supply development with the aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) project, and for the District’s successful water conservation programs.  He stated that the general public has a negative view of the District because they are not informed about the District’s activities related to water development.  Mr. Hekhuis suggested that the District must “tell the story” about what we do in regards to water development, particularly the ASR project.  A description of the MPWMD ASR project should be developed, and published in a newspaper advertisement.  He encouraged the committee to increase outreach to the public related to the District’s activities.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of November 16, 2010 Committee Meetings

            On a motion by Director Brower and second by Director Markey, the minutes were received unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0, with amendments to page 2 of the minutes under the heading Update on Potential Water Projects Including Desalination. (1) Line 7, change the words “California State Parks Department” to “Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District” and delete the word “State” and replace it with the words “Regional Park District”.   (2) Line 11, delete the word “facility” and replace it with the word “well.”  Directors Brower, Doyle and Markey voted in favor of the motion.


Discussion Items

2.         Update on Potential Water Projects Including Desalination

            The Board discussed information provided by Andy Bell, and directed staff to gather information on potential desalination sites within the District boundary related to permitting issues, yield, cost, public access, potential for development, and potential obstacles.  Staff should consider all potential sites including those along the Sand City coastline, including properties owned by the City of Sand City.  Based on these criteria, the District Engineer should recommend three preferred sites.  The committee members would then meet with owners of those properties.


3.         Progress Report on Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project

             Joe Oliver reported that a 40-foot easement must be obtained from the Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) at the ASR Facilities Building site, to accommodate plans for ASR expansion included in the Regional Water Supply Project.  Staff has scheduled a meeting with FORA’s attorney to proceed with the process required to obtain the easement.  Darby Fuerst explained that the ASR injection season is not yet underway, as Carmel River flow has not reached 40 cubic-feet-per-second (cfs) at the Highway 1 Bridge.   The National Marine Fisheries Service and the District have developed another flow requirement that will be in effect once agreement is reached with the Carmel River Steelhead Association.  This requirement for Phase 2 ASR would require that diversions could occur when the lagoon is open to the ocean, and flow at the Highway One gage is 120 cfs. The plan is to obtain compliance with this requirement for Phase 1 as well.   Director Markey requested that staff prepare a chart that describes the conditions for diversions under ASR Phase 1 and Phase 2.


4.         Update on Development of Recycled Wastewater Alternatives

            Mr. Fuerst explained that the District is not involved with development of the Regional Urban Water Augmentation Project that would expand availability of recycled wastewater for use in open space.  The Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) and Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) are engaged in negotiations to develop that project.  The Board of Directors will consider approval of a letter to the MRWPCA expressing support for the Groundwater Replenishment Project (GRP), an indirect portable reuse project that entails injection of recycled water into the Seaside aquifer for potable water use.   The GRP could be incorporated into Phase 2 of the Regional Water Project.


5.         Update on Status of San Clemente Dam Removal/Reroute Proposal

            On November 30, 2010, the Planning and Conservation League and Carmel River Watershed council conducted public information meetings regarding the project.  Committee members and staff that attended the meetings discussed the information that was presented and the reaction of the audience.  Andy Bell agreed to contact the two presenters and suggest that in future meetings the EIR author and a representative from the Department of Water Resources be present to respond to questions from the public.  Mr. Bell would also advise the presenters on how to respond to questions asked about movement of sediment in the event of an earthquake.   The committee requested that the Public Outreach Committee consider placing information regarding the San Clemente Dam Removal/Reroute project on the District’s website.


Other Items

No discussion.


Set Date for Next Committee Meeting

            The next meeting was scheduled for January 6, 2010 at 11 am.



            The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:15 pm.

























