February 24, 2011
Darby Fuerst,
Hydrologic Monitoring 2.6
Line Item No.:
2-6-1 G, and 2-6-2 D
Joe Oliver/
Cost Estimate:
Tom Lindberg
General Counsel Review: N/A
Committee Recommendation: N/A
CEQA Compliance: N/A
SUMMARY: Water-quality results from the Fall 2010
sampling of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District’s (District’s)
monitor well networks in the Carmel Valley aquifer and the coastal areas of the Seaside Groundwater Basin
are presented and briefly summarized below.
BACKGROUND: The District has maintained a groundwater-quality
monitoring program in the Carmel Valley Aquifer since 1981, and in the Seaside Groundwater Basin
since 1990. Currently, collection of samples from the Carmel Valley monitor
wells is conducted on an annual basis.
The sampling schedule for Carmel Valley is staggered, with upper valley
wells (i.e., upgradient of the Narrows), sampled in Spring and lower Carmel
Valley wells in Fall, to coincide with the historically higher nitrate
concentrations in these respective areas.
Beginning in 2007, the District was retained by the Seaside Basin
Watermaster to collect water-quality samples from the District’s Seaside Basin monitor on a quarterly basis. The results of that sampling are reported to
the Seaside Basin Watermaster Board on a quarterly basis. Results of the Fall 2009 and Fall 2010
sampling of the Seaside
Basin coastal monitor
wells are included in this report.
Valley Aquifer Monitor Wells - Results from the Fall 2010 sampling are
provided in Exhibit 24-A. Seven monitor wells in the lower Carmel Valley
were sampled during Fall 2010, per the sampling schedule described above. An eighth well that is normally sampled in
the Fall (16S/1E-13Md), was not sampled in Fall 2009 or Fall 2010 because it
was submerged under high water in the Carmel River Lagoon during the sampling
period. The locations of these sampling
points are shown on the map in Exhibit 24-C. Review of these water-quality results
indicates that, in general, there are minor changes in overall water quality
compared to samples collected in Fall 2009 (data originally reported in the February
25, 2010 Board packet and provided here as a reference in Exhibit 24-B).
Changes in water quality for specific wells are discussed below. Staff is particularly interested in tracking
indicators of potential seawater intrusion in the coastal portion of Carmel Valley. Accordingly, three sets of wells were
established west of Highway 1, with each set being made up of three wells
completed at different depths. Review of
historical data indicated that the shallower and intermediate wells in the
coastal area are subject to the mixing of fresh water and saline water as high
tides and surf overtop the sand berm between the lagoon and the ocean. This contributes to episodic mixing within
the shallower and intermediate zones of the aquifer, but is not indicative of
larger-scale seawater intrusion into the aquifer. Currently, only the deeper wells at each of
the three coastal locations are sampled.
16S/1W-14Jg is the deepest in the array of three wells located at the Carmel River State Beach parking lot at
River Mile (RM) 0.07 (approximately 375 feet from the shoreline). Beginning in the Fall of 2005, there was a
four-year trend in increased Specific Electrical Conductance (SEC) and Chloride
results at this site, which reversed in Fall 2009. In the February 25, 2010 Board packet, it was
noted that the significant improvement at this location relative to 2008,
suggested a seaward movement of the freshwater/seawater interface which may be
attributable to the later season flows in the lower reaches of the Carmel River
in 2009 compared to 2008. Results from
Fall 2010, however, show SEC and Chloride levels have returned to the earlier
trend and were higher than Fall 2008 (Exhibit
Because there were episodes of ocean waves overtopping the beach berm at
this site within a week of the sampling event, it is postulated that there
could be a component of surface-water contamination at this location. The wellhead was damaged by heavy equipment
removing sand from the parking lot at Carmel River
Lagoon State
Beach several years ago,
and the trend could have more to do with modifications of the wellhead than a
change in the freshwater/seawater interface.
Staff will attempt to pump for an extended period to be sure and
evacuate any water standing in the casing prior to the next sampling event and
will watch for any indication of further potential surface-water contamination
at this site. Additional background on
historical water-quality at the coastal monitor well sites can be found in
District Technical Memorandum 90-04,
Summary of Carmel
Groundwater-quality from Coastal Monitor Wells, which is available at the
District office. Staff will continue to
track future results for trends that might indicate significant changes in
concentrations of these or other constituents in the coastal area of the
Well 16S/1E-23E4, located 6.53 miles upstream
from the mouth of the Carmel
River, showed significant
improvement in overall water quality in 2009 relative to 2008. In the February 25, 2010 Board Packet, it was
suggested that the improvement may be attributable to wellhead improvements at
this site that were make in Summer 2008 to reduce potential flooding along the
roadside where this well is located.
However, water-quality results from Fall 2010 were again much closer to
the results from Fall 2008. It is
possible that the well cap was not sealed tightly enough to prevent surface-water
contamination in spite of the wellhead improvements. Staff will continue to monitor this site to
ensure the wellhead is secure from surface-water sources.
Well 16S/1E-23La, located 6.72 miles upstream
from the river mouth, does not show a significant change in 2009 relative to
2008, but a graph of SEC and Chloride is included to track long-term trends as
was described in the March 21, 2009 Board packet (Exhibit 24-F).
16S/1E-24N5, located 8.02 miles upstream from the river mouth, showed significant
increases in major inorganic constituents in 2009 relative to 2008, but the
results from Fall 2010 were lower than either year for all constituents. The anomalous results for Fall 2009 may also
be due to surface water getting into the well, as this location is in the
middle of a roadway. Staff will continue
to monitor this site to ensure the wellhead is secure from surface-water
Seaside Groundwater
Basin Coastal Monitor Wells -
Since 1990, the District has been collecting water-quality samples from coastal
monitor wells in the Seaside
Groundwater Basin,
for the purposes of water-quality characterization and sea-water intrusion
monitoring. In 2009 District staff
switched from air-lifting samples from wells to “micro-purging” wells, which is
generally less destructive to the well and gravel pack, less dangerous for the
operator, but also more time consuming. In
Fall 2010, 11 dedicated monitor wells at six different sites were sampled. One well (15S/1E-23Cb) that is part of the
network was not sampled in 2010 due to a temporary obstruction that prevented
collecting samples. Results of water-quality
sampling from 2010 and 2009 for the Seaside
wells are provided in Exhibit 24-A
and Exhibit 24-B,
respectively. Because laboratory results
for the Fall 2010 samples needed to be received and processed earlier than in
years prior to 2008 in order to complete an Annual Report to the Seaside
Groundwater Basin Watermaster, the Seaside
wells were actually sampled in July and August of 2010. The locations of the Seaside monitor wells are shown on the map in
Exhibit 24-D. These results indicate little change from
previous results over the period of record for the existing wells, and that
there is no indication of sea-water intrusion in these wells that are completed
in the two principal aquifer units -- the Paso Robles Formation (i.e.,
shallower unit) and Santa Margarita Sandstone (i.e., deeper unit) -- in this
area of the Seaside Groundwater Basin at the present time. Results for most constituents in most of the
wells were not significantly different in 2010 relative to 2009, with few
exceptions. As noted in the February 25,
2010 Board Packet, wells 15S/1E-12Fa and 15S/1E-12Fc marked increases in Iron
and Manganese concentrations were observed in 2009 relative to 2008, and while
Iron concentration dropped in the shallower well in 2010, it showed a notable
increase in the deeper well for the second consecutive year. Manganese concentrations dropped in both
wells in 2010 relative to 2009. A marked
increase in Iron concentration was also observed in well 15S/1E-11Pb in
2010. Staff will continue to track
results for all wells for trends that might indicate significant changes in the
basin. A more complete historical
summary of the Seaside Basin coastal groundwater-quality data is contained
in District Technical Memorandum 97-02 Seaside Basin Coastal Monitor Wells: Ground Water-quality
Monitoring Results, 1990-1996, which is available at the District office.
24-A Groundwater-quality Monitoring Results -
Fall 2010
24-B Groundwater-quality Monitoring Results -
Fall 2009
24-C Location of MPWMD Carmel
Valley Water-quality
Monitoring Wells
24-D Location of MPWMD Seaside
Basin Water-quality
Monitoring Wells
24-E Water-quality Results in Well 16S/1W-14Jg in
Carmel Valley
24-F Water-quality Results in Well 16S/1E-23La
in Carmel Valley