


Meeting Date:

April 18, 2011





Darby Fuerst,


Hydrologic Monitoring


General Manager

Line Item No.:     N/A


Prepared By:

Thomas Lindberg

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY: Staff has prepared a draft Water Production Summary Report of all registered production sources, i.e., wells and surface water diversions, within the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (District) for Water Year (WY) 2010.  WY 2010 covers the 12-month period from October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010.  Preliminary computations indicate that 16,493 acre-feet (AF) of groundwater were produced from registered wells in the District during WY 2010 (Exhibit 7-A).  In addition, 7 AF of surface water were diverted by private users.  Combined surface and groundwater production from all sources within the District in WY 2010 is calculated at 16,500 AF.  This report presents comparisons of California American Water (Cal-Am) and non Cal-Am production in WY 2010 and WY 2009, and compares WY 2010 production with the District’s current water allocation program limits.


RECOMMENDATION:  This report is for informational purposes only.  The Board should review the draft summary report and provide staff with any comments or questions.  Staff will complete and file the final report, incorporating any late revisions, if this item is approved with the Consent Calendar.


BACKGROUND:  District Rules and Regulations require well owners and operators to submit annual water production information to the District.  Well production is calculated by either the Land Use or Water Meter reporting method and is described below.


Number of Wells – Presently, there are 1,195 registered wells in the District.  Of this total, 745 wells are active, and 387 wells are inactive.  A well is considered active if it has produced any water in the last reporting period, i.e., WY 2010.  Information on the remaining 63 registered wells is not available because reporting forms were not returned by owners of those wells prior to preparation of this report.


Data Adjustments – For certain wells, staff estimated actual production to more accurately quantify water produced during WY 2010.  Data adjustments were required to estimate water production from 104 wells that had either incomplete water meter records or reported water production for a period longer than the water year. Production from metered wells with incomplete records was estimated by using generalized non Cal-Am monthly distribution factors developed by staff.  In 21 cases, production records were incomplete because reported meter readings covered a period shorter than WY 2010.  In 10 other cases, production records were incomplete because meters were replaced or repaired after the start of WY 2010.  There are also at least 10 meters that still needed replacement or repair at the end of WY 2010.  The application of monthly distribution factors allowed staff to reasonably account for the percentage of production that was not reported for each of these wells, which was then added to the annual total for these wells.  There were also 9 cases where adjustments were made due to “order of magnitude issues” resulting from well owners incorrectly reading their water meters.  There were 64 cases in which production was reported for a period longer than WY 2010.  Estimates of the amounts that were over-reported were made based on the monthly distribution factors.  These amounts were then subtracted from the reported totals.  In eight cases, production from wells with non-functioning water meters during WY 2009 was estimated based on historical production reports for these wells. 


District-wide Production - Preliminary production values for WY 2010 are summarized by reporting method (i.e., Water Meter or Land Use), reporting status (i.e., active, inactive, or not reporting), and source area in Exhibit 7-A.  For comparison, production values for WY 2009 are presented in Exhibit 7-B.  Note that the version of the Annual Water Production Summary Report for WY 2009 presented here has been revised since it was originally presented to the Board on May 17, 2010.  The various source areas are shown in Exhibit 7-C.  The volume of water produced from each source area is shown in Exhibit 7-D.  The number of active non Cal-Am wells and the volume of water produced by each reporting method in WY 2010 and WY 2009 are compared in Exhibit 7-E.


District-wide, total water production decreased by 2,077 AF (11.2%) in WY 2010 compared to WY 2009.  Specifically, groundwater withdrawals decreased by 2,056 AF (11.1%), and surface diversions decreased by 21 AF (75.4%) in WY 2010.  No surface water has been diverted within the Cal-Am main system since WY 2003 because of seismic safety and sedimentation concerns at San Clemente Dam and Reservoir.  WY 2004 marked the first year since 1921, when San Clemente Dam was completed, that Cal-Am or its predecessor did not divert surface water from San Clemente Reservoir.


Monterey Peninsula Water Resources System (MPWRS) The MPWRS includes surface water in the Carmel River and its tributaries, and groundwater in the Carmel Valley alluvial aquifer and coastal subareas of the Seaside Groundwater Basin.  Overall water production within the MPWRS in WY 2010 decreased by 1,520 AF (9.4%) compared to WY 2009.  Specifically, Cal-Am production in WY 2010 decreased by 913 AF (7.1%), and non Cal-Am well production decreased by 607 AF (18.9%) relative to reported production in WY 2009.  Cal-Am production from Carmel Valley increased 501 AF (4.9%), and Cal-Am production from the coastal areas of the Seaside Basin increased by 652 AF (24.8%).  Non Cal-Am production from Carmel Valley decreased by 139 AF (5.9%) compared to WY 2009, and non Cal-Am production from the coastal areas of the Seaside Basin decreased by 489 AF (55.0%).  In WY 2010, 12.6 AF was subtracted from Cal-Am production and added to Non Cal-Am production to account for water transferred to the City of Seaside Municipal Water System.  Also, 45.9 AF of potable water that was produced by the City of Sand City Desalination Plant was added to Cal-Am production because it was delivered to the Cal-Am main system. 


Of the 9,785 AF of Cal-Am production from Carmel Valley, 1,111 AF were produced and delivered to the District’s Water Project No. 1, consisting of two Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells in the Seaside Basin.  No water from Project No. 1 was produced for delivery to Cal-Am in WY 2010. Among other revisions to the Annual Water Production Summary Report for WY 2009, the amount of water produced and delivered to District Water Project No. 1 in WY 2009 (182 AF) has been subtracted from Cal-Am’s production in Carmel Valley to allow for comparisons to WY 2010.  For reference, since the District’s Seaside Injection/Recovery Program began testing in WY 1998 through the end of WY 2010, a total of 3,229 AF have been injected into the Seaside Basin and 1,139 AF have been produced from Water Project No.1 wells for delivery into the Cal-Am System.    


Water Allocation Program – With respect to the District’s Water Allocation Program limits, Cal-Am production from the MPWRS in WY 2010 was 12,004 acre-feet, or 5,457 acre-feet (31.2%) less than the Cal-Am production limit of 17,641 acre-feet that was established with the adoption of Ordinance No. 87 in 1997.  Non Cal-Am production within the MPWRS in WY 2010 was 2,602 acre-feet, or 444 acre-feet (15.6%) less than the non Cal-Am production limit of 3,046 acre-feet established by Ordinance No. 87.  Combined production from Cal-Am and non Cal-Am sources within the MPWRS was 14,607 acre-feet in WY 2010, which is 6,080 acre-feet (29.4%) less than the 20,687 acre-feet production limit set for the MPWRS as part of the District’s Water Allocation Program.  Therefore, no action is necessary at this time, although staff will continue to monitor production trends within the MPWRS and District-wide.  A comparison of reported water production from the MPWRS in WY 2010 relative to the District’s Water Allocation limits is presented in Exhibit 7-F. 


The comparisons above do not include production from wells that derive their source of supply from the Laguna Seca Subarea (LSS) of the Seaside Groundwater Basin, which was outside the MPWRS as defined during most of WY 2008 but was added to the MPWRS with the adoption of Ordinance No. 135 on September 22, 2008.  Because the LSS was added to the MPWRS late in WY 2008, another set of comparisons is presented below that includes production from the LSS.  When the LSS is included in calculating production from the MPWRS, the comparisons of WY 2010 to WY 2009 are as follows.  Total water production within the MPWRS (including LSS) decreased by 1,721 AF (10.0%) in WY 2010 compared to production in WY 2009.  In WY 2010, production by Cal-Am from within the MPWRS (including LSS) decreased by 999 AF (7.4%) and non Cal-Am production from within the MPWRS (including LSS) decreased by 773 AF (19.3%) relative to production reported for WY 2009.    


Lastly, it should be noted that 99% of the groundwater production within the District was reported by the water meter method in WY 2010.  In addition, over 90% of registered well owners in the District reported annual production for their wells in WY 2010.



7-A      District-wide Water Production Summary for Water Year 2010

7-B      District-wide Water Production Summary for Water Year 2009

7-C      MPWMD Water Production Source Areas

7-D      Water Production by Source Area for Water Year 2010

7-E      District-wide Production by Reporting Method for non Cal-Am Wells in WY 2010 and 7          WY 2009

7-F       Comparison of Reported Production to Production Limits within the MPWRS in

WY 2010
