


Meeting Date:

May 16, 2011





Darby Fuerst,


Water Conservation


General Manager

Line Item No.:      4-2-2-D


Prepared By:

Stephanie Pintar

Cost Estimate:

NTE $35,200


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Water Demand Committee reviewed this item on May 10, 2011 and recommended approval upon removing the Ord Terrace Elementary, Account #301444.  The Administrative Committee considered this item on May 9, 2011, and agreed with the recommendation of the Water Demand Committee and recommended approval with the modifications proposed by Water Demand.

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  Staff is seeking authorization to expend up to $35,200 in budgeted funds to facilitate school retrofits at seven Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD) schools in Monterey. MPWMD currently has $225,000 in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 budget for school retrofits.  Funding for school retrofits is reimbursable through the Conservation Budget approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in 2009.  The Conservation Budget for School Retrofits provides funding to local educational facilities to upgrade high water use areas and water fixtures with new technology. This program is directed primarily toward schools that have limited budgets and could not otherwise afford to upgrade toilets, urinals, food service facilities and landscaping devices to water-efficient levels.  This funding is not subject to the Board’s spending freeze.  


In 2010, WaterWise, Inc. conducted interior and exterior water audits at MPUSD’s highest water using schools.  Indoor audits were conducted at Monterey International School, Monterey High School, Walter Colton Middle School and Martin Luther King Elementary.  Outdoor audits were done for these four schools, as well as for Ord Terrace Elementary, Del Rey Woods Elementary and La Mesa Elementary.  Total estimated water savings for implementing the basic recommendations is 9.79 acre-feet annually, with a simple payback period of 0.4 years.  The following table breaks down the costs and savings for each of the schools:



MPWMD would pay the invoices for the equipment and installation, if needed.  In exchange, MPUSD must agree that water savings from the retrofits will be added to community water savings and not available as a water credit.  It is anticipated that most of the retrofits would be completed by MPUSD staff.  The estimated costs (Exhibit 7-A) were developed by WaterWise Consulting, Inc. and generally do not include labor costs.


Staff recommends that in addition to funding the initial retrofits shown in the Exhibit, MPWMD should provide support for newly installed Weather Based Irrigation Controllers.  This support would include arranging with a product representative or landscape profession to review the run times and make adjustments, as needed.  This action may have minimal cost, depending on the controllers selected and would be part of the installation costs. 


RECOMMENDATION:  In adopting this item with the Consent Calendar, the Board approves the expenditure of funding in a not-to-exceed amount of $35,200 ($10,200 as recommended by WaterWise, Inc. and up to $25,000 for costs of installation, as needed) for retrofits within the five schools audited in the MPUSD.  MPWMD staff should be directed to review and approve the installation costs associated with this funding as shown on contractor bid sheets prior to MPUSD’s expenditure of funds.  Installation costs have been estimated at $5,000 per school.  Staff further recommends this approval be time-limited through December 2011, in keeping with the approved CPUC Conservation Budget.



7-A      Retrofit Recommendations by School







