Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Public Outreach Committee
June 29, 2011
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 am in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Kristi Markey
David Pendergrass
Committee members absent: Regina Doyle, Chair
District staff members present: Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Henrietta Stern, Project Manager
Cynthia Schmidlin, Human Resources Analyst
Kevan Urquhart, Sr. Fisheries Biologist
Comments from the Public
No comments were presented.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of April 6, 2011 Committee Meetings
On a motion by Director
Pendergrass and second of Director Markey, the minutes were unanimously
approved on a vote of 2 – 0.
Discussion Items
2. Presentation
from Kevan Urquhart re Suggestions for Public Outreach Activities
The committee reviewed and discussed the list of public outreach suggestions developed by Urquhart, and directed that at the next meeting the committee identify items that would require Board authorization and items that could be approved at the administrative level. The committee discussion focused on the following points. (A) Support for staff membership in community organizations, and authorizing payment for membership fees and attendance at some events, also allowing time off to participate in meetings and events. Participation could be authorized by the General Manager. (B) Karen Harris of the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) could be asked to conduct a training session for District staff on the facts related to wastewater reuse and the Groundwater Replenishment Project. She could provide talking points. (C) Training could also be provided for staff on how to respond to general questions and antagonistic comments from the public. (D) It was suggested that a college intern be retained to update the MPWMD website. (E) A memorandum of understanding is being developed by the MRWPCA on resource sharing. The District could consider working more closely with that agency on sharing public outreach resources. (F) Signs should be erected at De Dampierre and Garland parks promoting the riverbank restoration work accomplished by the District that revitalized those areas.
3. Review
Draft Job Description for Public Outreach Professional
Discussion on this item was deferred to the next committee meeting.
Other Items
Schedule Next Committee Meeting Date
The meeting was scheduled for Thursday, July 7, 2011 at 9 am.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.