Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

July 7, 2011


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9 am in the District conference room.


Committee members present: Regina Doyle

Kristi Markey

                                                            David Pendergrass


District staff members present: Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager

                                                            Henrietta Stern, Project Manager                                          

                                                            Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant

                                                            Cynthia Schmidlin, Human Resources Analyst

                                                            Kevan Urquhart, Sr. Fisheries Biologist


Comments from the Public

No comments were presented.


Action Items

1.         Receive Minutes of June 29, 2011 Committee Meetings

            On a motion by Director Pendergrass and second of Director Markey, the minutes were unanimously approved on a vote of 3 – 0.


2.         Review Suggestions for Public Outreach Activities and Provide Direction to Staff on Implementation

            The committee reviewed the list of proposed public outreach activities and agreed the District’s current public outreach plan should be updated.  They commented on the following items.  Item 1:  The District should also contact groups such as Sustainable Monterey, Sustainable Pacific Grove and the League of Women Voters about inviting a staff member to address their organizations.  The list of community groups contained in the District’s public outreach plan should be updated to include more organizations.  Item 2:  The general manager can implement this suggestion and encourage staff to participate in local organizations to increase awareness of the District in the community.  Item 3:  Agreed that development of a Lyceum field class on Carmel River Watershed issues would be a good project.  The incoming Community Relations Liaison could be tasked to work with staff on development of course materials.  Item 4:  Support expressed for developing a day-long class for adults.  It was suggested that staff contact the CSUMB Life Learner Institute.  Item 12:  Briefing memos on current topics should be developed for staff and Directors, so they can respond to questions from the public regarding District projects and programs.  The Public Outreach Committee should review the briefing memos prior to distribution.  Item 14:  If the District were to begin responding to Letters to the Editor and Editorials that portray false information about MPWMD programs, care needs to be taken that the incorrect information is not promoted.


Discussion Items

3.         Review and Comment on Draft Community Relations Specialist Job Description

            The committee agreed to recommend to the Board that the District hire a full-time staff person with the title Community Relations Liaison, at the salary range of 28-A.  This should be brought forward for consideration at the July 18, 2011 Regular Board meeting.            


Other Items



Schedule Next Committee Meeting Date

The meeting was scheduled for Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 9 am.



The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 am.














