Water Supply Planning Committee Meeting of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
April 6, 2011
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 11 am in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Bob Brower, Chair
Regina Doyle
David Pendergrass
Committee members absent: None
Staff present: Darby Fuerst, General Manager
Larry Hampson, Water Resources Engineer
Comments from Public
(1) Roger Dolan, representing the Carmel Valley Association Water Committee, urged the District to incorporate its water supply projects into a back-up plan that would be available if the Regional Water Project is delayed or abandoned. He suggested that District staff conduct a series of water supply forums to update the public on water projects in process. He requested that the District appeal the recent Public Utilities Commission decision 11-03-035 regarding collection of the MPWMD user fee. Mr. Dolan stated that the Association is committed to support of the District. (2) Todd Norgaard, Carmel Valley Association Water Committee, stated that the Association intends to help the District achieve common goals, including development of a back-up water plan.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of
February 23, 2011 Committee Meeting
a motion by Director Doyle and second of Director Pendergrass, the committee
received the February 23, 2011 minutes on a vote of 3 – 0.
2. Progress
Report on Water Projects 1 (Underground Storage) and 2 (Expanded Storage)
Oliver reported that 610 acre-feet of water has been stored in the groundwater basin through Water Project 1, with both injection wells operating at nearly full capacity. It may be necessary to shut down injection operations in April, if Carmel River flow conditions diminish. However, water collection efforts could begin again after April 15, 2011 because flow requirements established by the State are lower so injection could resume under those conditions. Craig Anthony noted that California American Water (Cal-Am) plans to distribute the injected water in October, November and December 2011 even if the Santa Margarita Well has not been fully permitted by then. Other wells can be used instead of Santa Margarita. Fuerst advised that State limits on the amount of water that can be withdrawn from the Carmel River and injected into the Seaside Basin are based on the capacity of Cal-Am’s pipelines to convey water to the injection well, and water rights obtained for use of the Carmel River water. The District has considered submission of a petition for a change to water rights that would allow another 2,700 AF of water to be withdrawn from the Carmel River for Water Projects 1 and 2.
3. Update
on Potential for Water Project 3 (Local Desal) within District Boundaries
There was consensus among committee members that prior to the next Water Supply Planning Committee meeting, District staff should schedule a meeting with the top ranking officer of naval operations in Monterey to discuss the possibility of open-ocean desalination at the abandoned City of Monterey wastewater treatment plant site that is owned by the U.S. Navy. Fuerst reported that District staff met with representatives from the Monterey Bay Sanctuary. They expressed a preference for subsurface intake, but were not opposed to a modified open-ocean intake similar to the Oceanview Plaza project.
The following comments were presented during the public comment period. (1) Scott Jackson, Program Manager, Deep Water Desal, confirmed that there is an effort to partner with California State University Monterey Bay on development of a seawater desalination project at Moss Landing. The plan differs from the previous proposal of Desal American. Therefore, Deep Water Desal is constrained from responding to questions previously received from District staff. A brief project summary, including the scope will be developed and provided to the District. If there are subsequent questions, they should be directed to Deep Water Desal. (2) Brent Constantz, Deep Water Desal, stated that the project intake would be constructed on a pier owned by the university system. The deep-water intake would alleviate the need for a sand well or infiltration system. The Soquel Creek Water District and representatives from North Monterey County have expressed an interested in purchasing water from the desal facility. It would take in 50 million-gallons of seawater per day, which would yield approximately 25,000 acre-feet of desalinated water per year. The CSU system will be a partner in a joint powers authority to form a public, private partnership for development and operation of the project. The Moss Landing Harbor District will also be involved. Preliminary cost estimates for the project will include a conveyance pipeline from Moss Landing to connect with the Cal-Am system, but will not include the cost to upgrade the Cal-Am distribution system. The facility would not be located at the National Refractories site. Brine disposal will be deposited in the canyon beyond the pier that will be rebuilt at the end of Sandholdt Rd. The project cost will be approximately $1,800 to $2,000 per acre-foot. The District could participate on the JPA, or in the near-term, assist in funding a pilot project.
District staff reported that it had taken actions outlined in the staff report related to proposed desalination sites in Sand City, per direction of the committee. During the discussion, Director Pendergrass advised the committee that the City of Sand City is prepared to take up a legal challenge against the District, should it pursue development of a desalination project in Sand City. He expressed concern over possible negative impacts to the Sand City Desalination Project, and the Seaside groundwater basin, if another desalination facility were constructed in Sand City.
During the public comment period on this item, Brent Constantz asked why District staff had investigated sites in Sand City for a desalination project. Chair Brower responded that the investigation was to include only areas that might be considered for a desalination project within the District boundaries.
4. Update
on Development of Recycled Wastewater Alternatives
Fuerst reported that he and Brower met with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) to offer assistance with development of the Groundwater Replenishment Project. An agreement regarding cooperation on development of the project will be formulated by the MRWPCA and provided to the MPWMD Board for approval. This project is expected to provide approximately 2,700 acre-feet of purified recycled water to the community. The project has been analyzed at the program level in the Regional Water Supply Project EIR. A project-level analysis must be completed.
During the public comment period on this item, Roger Dolan asked if the estimated 2,700 acre-feet represented purified water distributed to the community. Fuerst responded that the 2,700 acre-feet would be injected into the Seaside Groundwater Basin for use by the community. Todd Norgaard suggested that capacity for storage in the Seaside aquifer could offer opportunities for temporary water storage. He referred to a system of small reservoirs and water tanks operated by East Bay Municipal Utilities District.
5. Update
on Status of Carmel River Reroute/San Clemente Dam Removal Project
Mr. Fuerst reported that a meeting is scheduled on April 29, 2011 for all parties involved in the project to discuss funding and confer with technical groups charged with project planning.
Other Items
No discussion.
Set Date for Next Committee Meeting
The next meeting was scheduled for May 4, 2011 at 1 pm in the District conference room.
meeting adjourned at approximately 2 pm.