Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Public Outreach Committee
October 20, 2011
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 am in the District conference room.
Committee members present: Regina Doyle
Kristi Markey (arrived at 9:10 am)
David Pendergrass
District staff members present: David Stoldt, General Manager
Rachel Martinez, Community Relations Liaison Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant
Comments from the Public
No comments were presented.
Action Items
1. Receive Minutes of August 11, 2011 Committee Meeting
On a motion by Director
Pendergrass and second of Director Doyle, the minutes were approved on a vote
of 2 – 0. Director Markey was absent for
the vote.
Discussion Items
2. Review Essential Functions of the Community Relations Liaison
The committee members expressed support for the list of Essential Functions with some modifications: (1) the first section “The Community Relations Liaison Position,” should be modified to include the District’s functions outlined in the enabling legislation; (2) add language regarding affecting a change in attitudes about water use in order to reinforce the District’s focus on water conservation and reuse; and (3) mention the need to define the role of California American Water (Cal-Am) in relation to the District’s mission.
3. Discuss
Plans for an Educational Event at Water Project 1 Site
The electrical facilities building should be completed by January 2012. At that time, staff will assess whether the Water Project 1 site is safe for public access. If the project is operational, the noise level may be so high as to interfere with a gathering of people at the site. It will be important to contact the media when Carmel River flow is sufficient for the project to start up, even if an event cannot be conducted at the site.
4. Update on Conducting Tours of the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility
A tour of the Sleepy Hollow Facility was scheduled for the Policy and Technical Advisory Committees; however, only one person expressed an interest so the tour was cancelled. Fish should be released from the Facility in November. It may be that when fish are released into the Carmel River Lagoon, the media could be invited to witness the event. Any future tours of Sleepy Hollow should be scheduled for the fall of 2012. If elected officials and city/county staff are not interested in participating, members of the public should be invited.
5. Review
Calendar for Outreach Events in 2011-2012
Ms. Martinez encouraged the committee members to advise her of any upcoming events that would be good outreach opportunities. She noted that at the onset of the rainy season, Water Projects 1 and 2 should be promoted.
6. Update
on Development of Facebook Page
Ms. Martinez reviewed progress on creation of content for a Facebook page. She noted that the page could be formatted to allow receipt of comments, which would require response in a timely manner. The procedure for responding to comments will be outlined in a social media policy that is under development. Per the request of the committee, the draft policy will be presented for review at the next committee meeting.
Other Items
Ms. Pintar reported that she is working with Cal-Am on formation of a working group made up of representatives from the commercial and visitor serving communities to develop a rationing and implementation plan. The goal is to develop a plan by mid-summer 2012, so that the District’s rules can be amended, and Cal-Am can obtain approval from the Public Utilities Commission to implement the plan. It is important to have a plan in place, should water rationing be needed for any reason.
The committee reviewed a mock-up of a sign for the conference room that features the MPWMD logo, and provided comments on how the design could be improved. A permanent sign for the room should be manufactured and mounted by November 21, 2011.
Mr. Stoldt reported that he submitted a commentary to the Monterey County Herald as requested by the committee. The commentary had not been published as of the committee meeting date. Staff was encouraged to contact Royal Calkins, Opinion Page Editor of the newspaper.
The committee reviewed and commented on a document titled MPWMD Water Supply Projects that will be distributed at the October 26, 2011, City of Monterey Water Forum.
Schedule Next Committee Meeting Date
The meeting was scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2011, at 4 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 am.