Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Water Supply Implementation Summary



Water Project 2

(ASR Phase 2)

Expanded ASR

Water Project 3

Local Desal

Water Project 4

Groundwater Replenishment

Water Project 5

Expand Capacity of

Los Padres dam

New Pipeline in

Monterra Ranch


1,000 Af

3,000 AF

2,000 AF

2,700 AF

850 – 1,530 Af


Start Date


FY 2013

FY 2013

FY 2013

FY 2014

FY 2013

Completion Date

December 2013


December 2018

March 2017

2018 ?


Total Capital Cost


(of total expected cost of $6,500,000)


Should be comparable with Phase 1 and Phase 2 ASR until additional treatment required.


$50,000,000 - $70,000,000


Including both dredging and rubber dam (plus fish passage and spillway work)


Annual Cost:


   O&M Expense

   Add’l Cal-Am Cost

Total Annualized
















Costs taken from MRWPCA documents








[or $2,127,000

 without dredging]



Annual Cost per A-F

$1,047 per AF


$3,533 per AF

$2,500 per AF

$4,296 per AF

or $3,128 per AF


FY 2013 Cost items

● Prepare permanent

Project specifications: $396,000

● Prepare CEQA Document: $92,000

● Drill/Construct ASR-4 well:  $1,900,000

● Backflush Pit and Diversion Well: $235,000

● Equip ASR-4 well: $502,000

● Electrical control equipment: $537,000


Total FY2013:$3,662,000


● Identify 4 to 5 viable sites:  $50,000

● Obtain “Right of Entry” for test phase: ??

● Drill and monitor test wells:  $400,000 - $500,000


Total FY2013: $450,000 - $550,000

● Hydrogeologic studies:  $100,000 - $125,000

● Conceptual design :$50,000 - $100,000

● Constraints analysis:  $100,000 - $125,000


Total FY2013: $250,000 - $350,000

● Preliminary design, pilot work, and testing:  $2,500,000 - $5,000,000

● Transfer negotiations and “community forums” with NOAA expected to delay start until FY 2014

● Cal-Am expected to take on costs of sedimentation and dredging study during FY 2013

● Easement or property Acquisition: $TBD

Source of Funding

Reimbursed by Cal-Am

User Fee / Debt

User Fee / Debt

Undefined / MRWPCA

User Fee / Debt

User Fee / Debt

Key Hurdles


Property access


Coastal Erosion



NOAA & Transfer

Fish ladder & spillway

Cal-Am facilities plan

Uphill capacity

Pipeline cost

