A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
Declaring March 12-18, 2012, to be “FIX A LEAK
WHEREAS, water is a precious life resource which must be conserved and protected to ensure a healthy and vibrant community; and
Monterey Peninsula faces severe water restrictions on its two sources of
supply, the Carmel River and the Seaside Groundwater
residents of the
average, household water leaks can account for 10,000 gallons of water wasted
each year, which is enough to fill a small swimming pool. In addition, minor residential water leaks
account for more than one trillion gallons of wasted water in
WHEREAS, correcting easily fixed leaks in the home is not only good for our water supply and environment, it helps the residents of the Monterey Peninsula reduce their water usage and save money; and
WHEREAS, do-it-yourself fixes such as replacement of worn faucet washers and gaskets, leaky toilet flappers, garden hoses and loose spigots can save significant amounts of water; and
WHEREAS, to remind water users to check their household and business plumbing fixtures and irrigation systems for leaks, the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense program initiated a national Fix a Leak Week for the week of March 12-18, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District promotes water conservation, water use efficiency and the elimination of water waste.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District that March 12-18, 2012, shall be declared “Fix a Leak Week.”
On a motion by Director ______________ and seconded by Director __________ the foregoing resolution is duly adopted this 23th day of February 2012 by the following votes:
I, David J. Stoldt, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, hereby certify that the foregoing is a resolution duly adopted on the 23rd day of February 2012.
Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this ____ day of February 2012.
David J. Stoldt, Secretary to the Board