Joint Meeting of the
Policy Advisory Committee and the
Technical Advisory Committee of the
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
The meeting was called to
order at 3:05 pm.
City of Carmel-by-the-Sea PAC: TAC: Sean Conroy
City of Del Rey Oaks PAC: TAC: Daniel Dawson
City of Monterey PAC: Chuck Della Sala TAC: Todd Bennett
City of Pacific Grove PAC: Carmelita
Garcia TAC: Sarah Hardgrave
City of Sand City PAC: David Pendergrass TAC: Steve
City of Seaside PAC: Felix Bachofner TAC: Tim
County of Monterey PAC: David Potter TAC: Rob Johnson
Monterey Peninsula Airport
District PAC: Mary Ann Leffel TAC:
at 3:25 pm)
Chair (non-voting) Present: Robert S. Brower, Chair MPWMD Board
Members Absent
City of Carmel-by-the-Sea PAC: Paula Hazdovac
Del Rey Oaks PAC: Jeff Cecelio TAC:
Monterey Peninsula PAC: TAC: Bennie Stuth
Airport District
David J. Stoldt, General Manager
Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager
Rachel Martinez, Community Relations Liaison
District Counsel Present:
David Laredo, De Lay & Laredo
No comments were directed to
the committee.
1. Receive
Minutes of November 30, 2009 and October 25, 2010 Joint Meetings of the Policy
and Technical Advisory Committees
On a motion by Pendergrass
and second of Potter, the minutes of November 30, 2009 and October 25, 2010
were adopted unanimously with corrections as follows. (1) November 30, 2009 -- change start time
from 2:30 am to 9:00 am. (2) October 25,
2010 -- under Call to Order state that the meeting was called to order at 9:00
am by Sarah Hardgrave Chair of the TAC, and indicate that Kristi Markey the
Committee Chair was absent.
Discussion Items
2. Review A&N Technical Services Analysis of
Non-Residential Water Use Factors
reviewed the results of the A&N study as outlined in the staff report. The report recommended that use of the
District’s Non Residential Water Use Factors for rate making and rationing is
not appropriate. She noted that the District tracks water permit activity by
assessor parcel number, while California American Water (Cal-Am) assigns a
premise number and account number to each meter. This results in a lack of common fields in
the District and Cal-Am databases.
Pintar stated that per the consultant’s recommendation, the District and
Cal-Am will be working together on a way to cross-reference data. The A&N study determined that additional
review is needed to determine if factors should be modified for dental offices,
dry cleaners, pizza take out/deliver and swimming pools. The Board of Directors could change the
factors by resolution at a future meeting.
3. Potential
for Increase in Water Supply through Development of Alternative
Projects/Follow-Up from August 25, 2011 MPWMD Board Workshop on Water Supply Alternatives
Stoldt presented information
to the committee. During the discussion
a committee member asked if a cost analysis had been completed on the toilet
rebate program, specifically, how much water was saved through the toilet
rebate program, and how did the price of that water compare to the rebates
distributed. Pintar responded that
estimates of water saved are available, but there is no question that the
retrofit program does result in reduced water use and the fixtures are cost
effective. At some point in the future,
water efficient toilets will be installed throughout the District and no
additional savings will be achieved through toilet retrofits. However, rebates will continue to be
available for other fixtures such as high efficiency clothes washers. In response to a question from the committee,
Stoldt stated that phases 3 and 4 of the District’s expanded aquifer storage
and recovery project could be completed within two years, but there are
questions about the need to complete additional environmental review before
that work could be accomplished.
4. Update
on Implementation of State Water Resources Control Board Cease and Desist Order
WR 2009-0060
Laredo presented a report to
the committee. He stated that the issue
is set for mediation on November 10, 2011 and a case management conference is
set for November 29. One of the issues
set for discussion at mediation is the ramp-down schedule. The District will maintain that the ramp-down
schedule needs more flexibility. Cal-Am has petitioned the California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC) for authority to implement the moratorium on water
connections. Before a final
determination is issued by the CPUC, the District will request clarification on
some ambiguities of the CDO such as language which requires that Cal-Am
“restrict new and intensified uses that occur by reason of change in zoning or
The meeting was adjourned at approximately
3:50 pm.