Date: August
6, 2012
To: David
Stoldt, General Manager
From: Joe
Oliver, Water Resources Division Manager
Subject: Response Comments to Technical Items in
August 1, 2012 Appeal Letter from Judy and David Beech, re: Flores and Pisenti Water Distribution System
(WDS) Applications
Page 2, Background.
Regarding the pumping tests of the Flores/Pisenti Wells #1 and 2 that
were conducted in October 2010, it is important to note that these tests were
conducted simultaneously for 72 hours at constant pumping rates that were 5 to
6 times the dry-season demand rates for these WDSs[1]. Accordingly, drawdown effects from this
testing would have been commensurately greater than under the anticipated
operating conditions for these WDSs.
Page 3, Failure to Comply with Documentation
of Drawdown and Recovery. The discussion
states recovery measurements were not continued until 95% recovery was
achieved. MPWMD concurs that the wording
in the “Documentation of Drawdown and Recovery” section of the Procedures document does not clearly
convey the intended requirement. The
intention of the statement in question is clarified by the highlighted additional
phrase as follows:
Water-level recovery data shall
be measured until the recovering water level in the pumping well reaches 95% of
the pre-test static water level or two times the pumping period has
elapsed, whichever occurs first.
It was not the intention that
water-level recovery measurements must be made for an indefinite period of time
until the recovering water level reaches 95% of pre-test level, as in practice
this could require a considerably longer period than twice the pumping period
and be difficult to achieve in some instances for reasons that would not affect
the validity of the pumping test calculations (e.g., existence of other documented
or undocumented pumping affecting the well’s recovery measurements, natural
seasonal water-level declines of the groundwater system superimposed on the
recovery curve). It is important to note
that there is no certainty that a given well’s recovery rate (fast or slow) is
directly relatable to the sustainability of the well’s yield. For example, it can be argued through
hydraulic theory that a well tapping a relatively small effective storage
system of a fractured-rock network could achieve a higher post-test recovery
rate due to the faster refilling rate of this smaller volume system, compared
to another well tapping into a relatively large effective storage system that
achieves a slower post-test recovery rate due to the larger storage volume in
that system. Which of these two wells is
more reliable in terms of a sustainable supply?
Regardless of this uncertainty as to whether a well’s recovery rate is a
valid and appropriate gauge of a well’s sustainability, MPWMD has opted for
consideration of reducing the calculated well yield in cases where 95% recovery
has not been achieved after two times the pumping period, as an additional
conservative measure to hedge against this uncertainty. It should also be noted that the precise role
that post-test recovery data should play in evaluating a well’s yield is not
well defined and agreed upon in the professional hydrogeologic community. MPWMD plans to continue research and explore
refinement of this aspect of well source assessments as part of future planned
updating of the Procedures. As part of this update, the language
associated with the time period during which recovery measurements must be made
will also be clarified.
Page 4, Relief Requested.
Item 3 requests 95% recovery within 6 days shall be demonstrated by
actual measurements for Well #1 and 2 with no use of estimates. See Page 3 response comment above. Also, it should be noted that the relative
efficiency of water-level recovery after pumping only affects the well-yield
calculation; it does not affect the calculation of predicted drawdowns (i.e.,
offsite water-level effects) in the vicinity of the pumping well.
Page 5, Relief Requested.
Item 4 requests that “well capacity shall be determined by the actual
pumping rates chosen for tests, with no use of estimates”. This request does not conform to standard
hydrogeologic practice and may reflect a misunderstanding of well hydraulics and
aquifer analysis. It is the principle purpose of aquifer
testing to utilize actual pumping test derived data (pumping rate, water-level
drawdown, specific capacity) to calculate hydraulic characteristics of the
aquifer (transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, storativity) in order to
determine well yield and predict drawdowns from well operations[2]. By its nature, this is an estimating process
in that actual pumping test data are utilized to determine (i.e., estimate)
well yield and time and distance drawdown relationships. Setting a well yield equal to the rate that
was achieved during a short-term pumping test is not standard hydrogeologic
practice and can result in erroneous well-yield determinations that could be
greater than the recommended well yield based on calculations from the pumping
test data.
Page 6, Detailed Grounds for
Appeal. The exercise provided under
“Failure to comply with Documentation of Drawdown and Recovery” ignores
important hydrogeologic considerations. The
example calculations on Page 6 show changing percent recovery, but this example
does not consider that other hydrogeologic parameters used to calculate well
yield would be expected to change as the percentage recovery declines. Both Specific Capacity and the late-time to
early-time transmissivity ratio (affected by the steepening slope of the
drawdown curve) would be expected to decline under such circumstances, and
would result in lower calculated well yields.
In other words, it is incorrect and misleading to hold the calculated
well yield “static” while reducing the percentage recovery, as the parameters
used to calculate well yield would not be expected to remain static under changing
recovery conditions, such as is assumed in the example provided.
[1] Well #1 test pumping rate = 8.1
gpm, 6.6 times dry-season demand rate of 1.23 gpm; Well #2 test pumping rate =
6.3 gpm, 5.4 times dry-season demand rate of 1.16 gpm.
[2] Suggested reference
sources for well hydraulic theory and pumping test applications include:
Robert J., 2007. Groundwater and Wells, 3rd Edition; see page 179.
G.P. and N.A. de Ridder, 1994. Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data,
2nd Edition; see page 27.