MPWMD April 1, 2013 Strategic Planning Workshop





MPWMD Vision Statement


A Vision Statement should be a vivid, descriptive image of the future – what the organization will BECOME.  Contrary to the Mission Statement, the District’s Vision Statement has changed through the years.  The Board needs to decide if we need a Vision Statement and if so, what elements should it reflect?



1997 –  2000:


By the year 2005, the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District will ensure a reliable water supply to meet present and future needs and be recognized as a leader in integrated water resource management.



2004 – 2007:



(1)   Will strive to serve as a catalyst in collaboration with public and private entities for environmentally responsible solutions that result in a reliable and legal water supply; and

(2)   Shall be a fiscally responsible, professionally and publicly respected leader in managing water resources.



2008 – Today:


No Vision Statement adopted.  However, the Vision Statement appears in our annual budget document unchanged from 2007.











