MPWMD April 1, 2013 Strategic Planning Workshop





Synopsis of Past Goals/Initiatives



      Goals discussed but not adopted at a follow-up Board meeting.

·         Improve visibility of MPWMD and its accomplishments

·         Initiate projects that increase water supply within MPWMD (local desal; GWR; Los Padres reservoir expansion)



            3-Year Goals

·         Construction has begun on desalination project

·         Phase 2 ASR project complete

·         Water delivered from Groundwater Replenishment project

·         Achieve conservation goals established by CPUC decision D.09-07-023

·         Secure permanent funding for Carmel River Mitigation Program

·         Prepare 20-year assessment of the 1989 Water Allocation Mitigation Plan

·         Establish one public-private partnership for water development or conservation

·         Resolve fate of San Clemente and Los Padres Dams


            5-Years and Beyond

·         Cease illegal pumping on Carmel River

·         Determine environmental remediation needs of Carmel River

·         Interagency regional collaboration

·         Operate within safe yield of Seaside Basin

·         Assess jurisdictions unmet water needs and plan to meet them



·         Establish respectful and effective relationships among MPWMD, Cal-Am, the jurisdictions, and the Watermaster

·         Determine long-term water supply solutions, including a quantity target

·         Build and complete ASR Phase 1 project and complete Phase 2 planning

·         Enhance revenue from external resources

·         Enhance the protection of water resources of the Carmel River for the benefit of the environment



·         Determine existing and future water supply needs

·         Evaluate water supply options to meet community needs

·         Determine MPWMD role in governance of Regional Urban Water Supply Project

·         Encourage public participation and understanding

·         Pursue MPWMD water supply projects

·         Create Board Water Supply Committee and charge

·         Improve image and community understanding of MPWMD

·         Increase community partnerships

·         Continue to improve Board member to Board member communication

·         Create a public outreach charge

·         Create a TAC/PAC charge and consider member composition

·         Determine if Community Advisory Committee should be created

·         Develop face-to-face relationship between Board members and SWRCB

·         Recognize Board member service in a positive way

·         Create a Chair/Vice Chair charge

·         Continue community outreach efforts

·         Clarify General Manager as spokesperson

·         Make annual budget more user friendly for Board and public

·         Determine whether permit fees and user fees should be increased

·         Establish appropriate staffing levels

·         Create a Rules and Regulations Committee charge

·         Better communication with local jurisdictions and the public regarding WDD policies

·         Determine agency role in conservation

·         Clarify ASR program

·         Assess updating Water Allocation EIR

·         Develop Seaside Basin groundwater management plan

·         Explore opportunities for MPWMD involvement in reclamation projects

·         Create a Carmel River Advisory Committee charge

·         Place more emphasis on community outreach for Planning and Engineering activities

·         Coordinate IRWM plan activities



·         Improve the understanding of and image of MPWMD in the community

·         Increase community partnerships

·         Continue to improve Board member to Board member communication

·         Make annual budget more user friendly for Board and public

·         Determine whether permit fees and user fees should be increased

·         Establish appropriate staffing levels

·         Clarify the ASR program

·         Streamline Water Distribution System permits process

·         Develop Seaside Basin groundwater management plan

·         Determine agency role in environmental protection

·         Establish consistency and simplicity in Water Demand Division policies and procedures

·         Better communication with local jurisdictions and the public regarding WDD policies

·         Determine agency role in conservation

·         Have a more community outreach focus for Planning and Engineering activities

·         Improve efficiency of Water Distribution System permit regulations

·         Increase efficiency of staff time related to administrative documents

·         Recognize Board member service in a positive way

·         Determine long-term water supply options

·         Determine role for MPWMD in water supply issue

·         Clarify District’s water supply project status



·         Evaluate and certify EIR on water augmentation projects in compliance with CEQA and NEPA

·         Revise the Water Permit process

·         Develop Seaside Basin groundwater management plan

·         Develop stormwater reuse plan

·         Increase innovative and effective conservation practices



·         Augment water supply

·         Protect environmental quality

·         Improve communication

·         Manage water demand

·         Refine internal processes




·         Increase the water supply to meet community and environmental needs

·         Protect the quality of surface and groundwater resources and continue the restoration of the Carmel River environment

·         Improve communication with the public

·         Manage and allocate available water supplies and promote water conservation

·         Develop consensus with the community on water problems and viable solutions















