Scope of Work


The Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) and the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD) are studying the proposed Monterey Peninsula Groundwater Recharge Project (GWR Project), with the goal of producing new indirect potable water supply for injection into the Seaside Groundwater Basin.  Source water for the project may come from the City of Salinas Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Reclamation Ditch, the Blanco Drain, stormwater from MRWPCA member cities and/or secondary or tertiary effluent from the MRWPCA Regional Treatment Plant.

Transfers of source water flowing in known and definite channels, such as the Blanco Drain, out of the Salinas Valley to the Monterey Peninsula would be a consumptive use that may require an appropriative permit from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB).  MPWMD desires to retain a consultant to provide hydrologic information and analysis that may be used in a permit application to the SWRCB.

The Blanco Drain watershed is approximately 6,000 acres and collects surface runoff and agricultural tile-drain flows from the surrounding area. The Blanco Drain is tributary to the Salinas River approximately 1,100 feet upstream of the Salinas River Diversion Facility (rubber dam).   A diversion pump station for the GWR project may be located near this facility and a pipeline placed under the river to deliver water to the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) Regional Treatment Plant. 


Task 1. Using Ditch system, information available from the MRWPCA, the Monterey County Water Resources Agency, and other available watershed and water use data as appropriate, the Consultant will make an estimate of mean daily, monthly, and annual flows classified into a 3-tier scheme (i.e., wet, normal, and dry) during the period of record for flow and/or rainfall data at the following location:

                        o confluence of the Blanco Drain with the Salinas River


Work products from this task will provide baseline data for analysis in Task 2 to identify what effect diversions may have on downstream flows through the Salinas River and to the ocean.


Task 2. In consultation with MPWMD, MCWRA, and the MRWPCA, the Consultant will estimate the pumping and conveyance capacity required to divert flows to the RTP.  Potential diversion targets will be established for Average Dry Weather Flow and Peak Wet Weather Flow, with diurnal peak and low flows for each condition. The availability of Blanco Drain flows within these ranges will be identified, and the resultant reduction of in-stream flows will be estimated. Summarize potential changes to flow quantities at the points described in Task 1. The Consultant will develop a conceptual diversion pump station and conveyance design (station type, location and pump/force main sizing).


Task 3. Review existing Blanco Drain and Salinas River easements and agreements to identify existing in-stream flow requirements for protection of downstream species and/or habitats. Review the SWRCB database to identify downstream water rights to the Salinas River Channel.   Further identify whether there would be periods when diversions may not be carried out due to downstream or in-stream flow requirements.

Task 4. Coordination meetings. Meet with project participants including MPWMD, MRWPCA, and MCWRA. Assume three meetings between multiple agencies.

Blanco Drain Deliverables: Technical Memo summarizing data used method of analysis, discussion of results, stream gage site descriptions, watershed description (including a map of the watershed), tables of flow data as appropriate, and listing of references used.


Data requirements:

1                    MCWRA and MRWPCA Blanco Drain pump station data

2                    MCWRA easements/agreements for the Blanco Drain and Salinas River


