A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Certifying Compliance With State Law With Respect

To The Levying Of General And Special Taxes, Assessments,

And Property-Related Fees And Charges


WHEREAS, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (“Public Agency”) requests that the Monterey County Auditor-Controller enter those general or special taxes, assessments, or property-related Fees or charges identified in Exhibit “A” on the tax roll for collection and distribution by the Monterey County Treasurer-Tax Collector commencing with the property tax bills for fiscal year 2014-15;



1.         The Public Agency hereby certifies that it has, without limitation, complied with all legal procedures and requirements necessary for the levying and imposition of the general or special taxes, assessments, or property-related fees or charges identified in Exhibit “A”, regardless of whether those procedures and requirements are set forth in the Constitution of the State of California, in State statutes, or in the applicable decisional law of the State of California.


2.         The Public Agency further certifies that, except for the sole negligence or misconduct of the County of Monterey, its officers, employees, and agents, with regards to the handling of the Cd or electronic file identified as Exhibit “A”, the Public Agency shall be solely liable and responsible for defending, at its sole expense, cost, and risk, each and every action, suit, or other proceeding brought against the County of Monterey, its officers, employees, and agents for every claim, demand, or challenge to the levying or imposition of the general or special taxes, assessments, or property-related fees or charges identified in Exhibit “A” and that it shall pay or satisfy any judgment rendered against the County of Monterey, its officers, employees, and agents on every such action, suit, or other proceeding, including all claims for refunds and interest thereon, legal fees and court costs, and administrative expenses of the County of Monterey to correct the tax rolls.



On motion of Director ___________, and second by Director ________, the foregoing resolution is duly adopted this 19th day of May 2014 by the following votes:





I, David J. Stoldt, Secretary to the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, hereby certify that the foregoing is a resolution duly adopted on the 19th day of May 2014.

Witness my hand and seal of the Board of Directors this ____ day of May 2014.



David J. Stoldt,

Secretary to the Board



