Scope of Work – Assistance with preparation of a DWR IRWM grant application


General: All deliverables must comply with requirements described in the 2014 IRWM Drought Solicitation, Integrated Regional Water Management, Implementation Grant Program, funded by Proposition 84, Final June 2014.  Deliverables must be in a form that can be submitted electronically to the DWR GRanTS website.


Task 1: Project templates.  The Consultant shall develop appropriate forms for Project Sponsors to fill out for providing information required for Attachments 3 through 7. 


Task 2: Schedule.  Consultant shall set a schedule for receiving, reviewing, and finalizing Attachments 2 through 7 from all Project Sponsors (note: Attachment 2 will be provided by MPWMD). 


Task 3: Attachments. Consultant shall provide the following services::


ATTACHMENT 3. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION  Consultant shall determine whether all information required by DWR has been submitted by Project Sponsors and is presented in a clear, concise manner.  The Consultant shall check for consistency between the project description, tasks, budget, schedule, program preferences, and work summary.  Consultant shall prepare:


·         Table 4 – 2014 IRWM Drought Solicitation Project Summary Table

·         a brief project description (25 words or less for each project)

·         for each proposed project, discuss how the project will address the drought impact(s) presented above and how it can be considered as one or more of the four eligible project types (Section C), and why expedited funding is needed (no more than 500 words per project)

·         a project map for each project in a consistent format (MPWMD will provide a regional map with projects located on it)

·         a description of physical benefits of the proposal

·         Table 5 – Annual Physical Benefits

·         Technical analysis of physical benefits claimed

·         Table 6 – Project Analysis


ATTACHMENT 4. WORK SUMMARY  Consultant shall review the work summary provided by the Project Sponsor for consistency with other parts of the grant application (including Table 9 – Scoring Criteria and Standards) and aggregate the work summaries into a single, cohesive document.  Where a project summary does not adequately address the required information for this section of the application or does not answer questions in Table 9 or is unclear, the Consultant shall work with the Project Sponsor to address deficiencies in the Work Summary.


ATTACHMENT 5. BUDGET SUMMARY  The Consultant shall ensure that each Project Sponsor has correctly filled out Table 7 – Project Budget and that the Work Plan, Budget, and Schedule for each project match.  Consultant shall prepare Table 8 – Summary Budget.


ATTACHMENT 6. SCHEDULE  Consultant shall ensure that each project schedule is similar in format to other projects (i.e., common starting point, ending point, and interval) and that each task and/or milestone described in the Work Plan is represented on the schedule.  The Consultant shall ensure consistency between the Work Plan, Budget, and Schedule.  The Consultant shall prepare the overall proposal schedule.


ATTACHMENT 7. PROGRAM PREFERENCES  Consultant shall prepare an analysis of how the Proposal meets the Program Preferences.






