Water Demand Committee of the

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

April 15, 2014




Call to Order



The meeting was called to order at 3:40 pm in the MPWMD conference room.




Committee members present:

Kristi Markey, Chair


Jeanne Byrne



Committee members absent:

Brenda Lewis




Staff members present:

David J. Stoldt, General Manager


Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Division Manager


Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant




Comments from the Public:

No comments.



Action Items



Consider Adoption of March 19, 2004 Committee Meeting Minutes


On a motion of Byrne and second by Markey, the minutes were unanimously approved on a vote of 2 – 0 by Byrne and Markey.  Lewis was absent.




Consider Development of a Recommendation to the Board Regarding the Definition of Group II Uses


The committee discussed the need to amend Rule 24, Table 2: Non-Residential Water Use Factors.  Staff was requested to modify Table 2 based on comments presented, and bring it back to the next committee meeting for review.


The following comments on Table 2 were made by the committee.  (1) Definition of deli could include use of paper serve ware.  (2) A deli could be classified as Group II if paper plates and washable utensils and glassware are used.   (3) Must review each application on a case-by-case basis, as it is difficult to categorize uses. (4) Wholesale changes should not be made to Table 2; instead, a more complete description of the categories is needed.  (5)  Each foodservice category should specify limited seating.  (6) Mention of seating should be removed, if that is not the prime purpose of the business.  The bulk of business should be water related.  (7) Wine tasting should be moved to Group II.  (8) Dry cleaner should be classified as Group II or Group III, depending on installation of washing machines at the site. 




Other Items

The committee continued discussion of outdoor restaurant seating that had been raised at the March 19, 2014 committee meeting.  There was consensus that if outdoor seating was added to a food service establishment, an equal number of seats inside the business should be removed.  It was suggested that staff could develop a letter for distribution to food service establishments stating that outdoor seating does not require a permit, providing the number of seats the business is permitted for, and that due to the drought it is the District’s expectation that seating be limited to the number specified in the permit.  The letter could include a reminder that water is only served upon request.  Staff stated that a restaurant mailing list is under development.


The committee also requested that when staff is prepared, another discussion should be scheduled on whether or not the District should quantify or regulate water use for short-term rentals.


Set Next Meeting Date

The next meeting was scheduled for June 12, 2014 at 3:30 pm.




The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm.





