Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

Public Outreach Committee

July 9, 2013



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 pm in the District conference room.


Committee members present:

Jeanne Byrne, Chair

Kristi Markey

Brenda Lewis



Committee members absent:




District staff members present:

David Stoldt, General Manager

Stephanie Pintar, Water Demand Manager                  

Arlene Tavani, Executive Assistant



Others present:

Steve Thomas, Thomas Brand Consulting (participated by telephone)


Jim Cullum, Executive Director, Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority



Comments from the Public

No comments were directed to the committee.


Discussion Items


Proposal from Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (Mayors JPA) to Contribute Funds to the Water Management District’s Public Outreach Program


Cullum stated that the Mayors JPA acknowledges the need educate the public on why the organization was formed, its focus and activities, and it may hire a consultant to help with development of outreach materials and a speakers bureau.  The Mayors JPA would like to coordinate with the Water Management District on public outreach and coordination of messaging.  Stoldt suggested that the Mayors JPA could help with outreach on the groundwater replenishment project and educating the public on SB­­­­­­936, legislation that would reduce desalination project financing costs to the ratepayer. Stoldt proposed that Steve Thomas and Karen Harris (Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency) develop a list of public outreach tasks and messages related to the groundwater replenishment project, then communicate with the Mayors JPA consultant on tasks and messages that could be promoted by the Mayors JPA.  The committee and Cullum agreed that the Water Management District’s Public Outreach Committee would be the forum for collaboration on messaging, and that the Mayors JPA consultant and Harris should attend those meetings.




Update on Public Outreach Activities in Progress


The committee reviewed and discussed a list of public outreach initiatives and accomplishments submitted by Thomas.




Action Items


Adopt Minutes of June 5, 2013 Committee Meeting


On a motion by Markey and second of Byrne, the committee voted to approve the minutes with changes to Attachment 1:  (a) delete key message number 12; and (b) amend number 13 to state, “Each year, the Water Management District works on behalf of the ratepayer to make sure that Cal Am’s rates are accurate and to serve as an intermediary between the two.”  The motion was approved unanimously on a vote of 3 – 0 by Markey, Byrne and Lewis.  No public comments were directed to the committee on this item.




Markey left the meeting after discussion of items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.  She was absent for the discussion of item 4, which occurred prior to the close of the meeting.




Develop Recommendation to the Board of Directors re Annual Contract with Thomas Brand Consulting, LLC


Lewis offered a motion to recommend that the Board renew the contract with Thomas Brand Consulting, LLC with some modifications.  The motion was seconded by Byrne and approved on a unanimous vote of Lewis and Byrne.  Markey was absent for the vote.




Review Proposal from Brenda Lewis to Set Up an Information Booth at Orchard Hardware and Supply


Lewis advised that Orchard Hardware has agreed to allow the Water Management District to set up a table outside or inside the store to promote water conservation and use of water saving fixtures.  The Water Management District could design and print stickers to be placed on selected low-water use fixtures in the store identifying them as qualifying for a rebate.  Lewis offered to staff the event.  Thomas suggested that this could be part of a “rebate day” promotion and tables could be set up at other businesses.  The committee asked that staff bring this back for further consideration such as locations, dates, cost to produce stickers, and ask counsel if this could be construed as politicking by directors during an election year.




Review and Approve Draft Summer Newsletter for Distribution


The committee reviewed the preliminary draft newsletter and offered comments. 


Schedule Next Meeting Date

The committee did not set a future meeting date.




The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.           

