11. |
Meeting Date: |
October 20, 2014 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David J. Stoldt, |
Program/ |
N/A |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: |
Prepared By: |
Kevan Urquhart & |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
Jonathan Lear |
General Counsel Review: N/A |
Recommendation: N/A |
Compliance: Notice of Exemption, CEQA, Article 19, Section 15301 (Class 1) |
ESA Compliance:
Consistent with the 2001 Conservation Agreement, 2009 Settlement
Agreement between the National Marine Fisheries Service and California
American Water to minimize take of listed steelhead
in the Carmel River, and SWRCB WR Order Nos. 95-10, 98-04, 2002-0002, and
2009-0060. |
SUMMARY: The Board will accept public comment and take
action on the October through December 2014 Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and
Budget for California American Water’s (Cal-Am) Main and Laguna Seca Subarea Water
Distribution Systems (WDS). The proposed
budgets, are included as Exhibit 11-A and
11-B, and show monthly production by
source of supply that is required to meet projected customer demand in Cal-Am’s Main and Laguna Seca Subarea
systems (i.e., Ryan Ranch, Bishop, and
Hidden Hills) during the October through December 2014 period. The proposed strategy and budgets are
designed to maximize the long-term production potential and protect the
environmental quality of the Seaside Groundwater and Carmel River Basins.
RECOMMENDATION: The Board should receive public input, close
the Public Hearing, and discuss the proposed quarterly water supply
budget. District staff will recommend
adoption of the proposed budget. The
budgets are described in greater detail in Exhibit 11-C, Quarterly Water Supply Strategy
Report: October - December 2014.
The Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget pertains to production
within Cal-Am’s Main and Laguna Seca Subarea systems for
the three-month period of October, November, and December 2014. Staff from the District and Cal-Am met to
cooperatively review, refine and approve this strategy on September 9, 2014. Staff from the California Department of Fish
and Wildlife (CDFW), United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and State Water Resources Control Board’s,
Division of Water Rights (SWRCB-DWR) attended.
101, Section B of the District Rules and Regulations requires that a Public
Hearing be held at the time of determination of the District water supply
management strategy. Adoption of the
quarterly water supply strategy and budget is categorically exempt from the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements as per Article 19,
Section 15301 (Class 1). A Notice of
Exemption will be filed with the Monterey County Clerk's office, pending Board
action on this item.
11-A Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and
Budget for CAW Main System: October - December 2014
11-B Quarterly Water Supply Strategy
and Budget for CAW Laguna Seca Subarea: October -
December 2014
11-C Quarterly Water Supply Strategy and Budget
Report: October - December 2014