


Meeting Date:

August 17, 2015







David Stoldt




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Cynthia Schmidlin

Stephanie Locke

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  N/A


SUMMARY:  There is a critical need for an additional Conservation Representative I/II in the Water Demand Division to perform commercial property inspections to determine compliance with water efficiency requirements and to locate and enforce water waste, in addition to other demand management and conservation program responsibilities. Newly acquired reimbursement for rebate program work performed by the Division’s Conservation Technician will offset the cost of funding this position for the next three years.


Despite the high levels of conservation already achieved by the Peninsula, recent calculations related to proposed amendments to the Cease and Desist Order (CDO) against California American Water (Cal-Am) indicate that additional reductions in water use are necessary to ensure the community can avoid mandatory rationing.  Continued conservation outreach and enforcement with existing staff cannot achieve the results needed.  There simply are not enough trained Water Demand personnel to visit uninspected commercial properties in order to determine if the retrofit actions required by the District have actually been performed and to continue the high level of public education and outreach currently taking place.  In all likelihood there are a significant number of noncompliant businesses. Identifying noncompliance and using enforcement to compel compliance will add significant savings to the Cal-Am system until the completion of new water supply projects without additional efforts to enforce existing water efficiency regulations and to implement new programs.  This position could be reevaluated after the completion of a new water supply.


An additional position is needed to focus on non-residential water efficiency compliance inspections and to increase water waste enforcement and outreach.  The Conservation Representative I/II job description is attached as Exhibit 3-A.  This is a developmental position placed at Ranges 20 and 24 on the District’s salary chart.


RECOMMENDATION:  Authorize a change to the current District Organization Chart, attached as Exhibit 3-B. Add a funded Conservation Representative I/II position to the Water Demand Division, as shown in Exhibit 3-C.


IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Salary, benefits, and payroll taxes for ten months of employment in FY 2015-2016 would cost approximately $57,700.  Most of the cost during FY 2015-2016 ($53,000) can be funded by District cost savings for the Conservation Technician position that is being partially funded by the District’s portion of California American Water’s conservation budget. The remaining $4,700 shortfall will be addressed in the mid-year budget adjustment.


BACKGROUND:  The organization chart for the Water Demand Division includes the Water Demand Manager, three Conservation Representative I/II positions, two Conservation Technician I/II positions and one Conservation Analyst position.  The Conservation Analyst position and one of the Conservation Technician positions are not filled and are currently unfunded.


3-A      Conservation Representative I/II Job Description

3-B      Current Organization Chart

3-C      Proposed Organization Chart


