13. |
Date: |
January 27, 2016 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David J.
Stoldt, |
Program/ |
N/A |
Manager |
Line Item No.: |
By: |
Locke |
Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Review: Yes |
Committee Recommendation: |
CEQA Compliance: District is
a Responsible Agency relying on an EIR and Supplemental EIR certified by the City
of Pacific Grove |
SUMMARY: Ordinance
No. 168 (Exhibit 13-A) establishes a
Water Entitlement for the City of Pacific Grove (the City) of 66 Acre-Feet Annually (AFA) to be used for new and
expanded water uses at properties located within the California American Water
service area.
A Water Entitlement is a discrete
quantity of water designated by a District ordinance to a specified Water
Entitlement Holder for new or Intensified Water Use. Water Entitlement Holders established by
previous MPWMD ordinances include the Pebble Beach Company and the other fiscal
sponsors of the CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project, the City of Sand
City, Cypress Pacific Investors LLC, Malpaso Water
LLC, and DBO Development No. 30. For
the City of Pacific Grove Water Entitlement, the Water Entitlement Holder assigns
water to its subscribers via Assignment Documents that the subscribers then use
to obtain Water Use Permits from the District. The Water Use Permit can then be
used to permit new water use up to the amount specified.
The development of existing legal lots of record in California American Water’s service area is currently constrained by a lack of available MPWMD Allocations and Water Credits, and State Water Board Order WR 2009-0060, which prohibits California American Water from diverting water from the Carmel River for new service Connections or increased uses of water at existing service addresses resulting from changes in zoning or use. The City’s project (Project) is intended to create non-potable recycled water supply of up to 125 acre-feet annually (AFA) to meet irrigation needs on the City-owned Pacific Grove Golf Links and El Carmelo Cemetery and will thereby reduce potable water metered demand on the California American Water Company (Cal-Am) water system. The Project includes a new Satellite Reclaimed Water Treatment Plant facility with a design flow capacity of 0.25 million gallons per day, and will recycle a portion of the City’s municipal wastewater at the Point Pinos Wastewater Treatment Plant. Potable water freed by reason of Project operations shall be available for re-use. The Ordinance establishes 66 AFA for the Entitlement, 9 AFA (10%) reserved by the District for its exclusive use for allocation to other jurisdictions, and a 13 AFA remainder (15%) will be conserved and permanently suspended from use for the benefit of the Carmel River system.
Because the Entitlement is derived from conserved water, under District rules the conserved water would normally be made available for new uses immediately, because such use would not be an increase in existing demand at the time of the creation of the Entitlement. However, in the funding of a low-cost State Revolving Fund loan for the Project, the State Water Resources Control Board has added a condition to the loan which states:
“The City shall apply recycled water produced by the Project to service of existing uses and shall use the ensuing demand reductions to offset deliveries from Cal-Am until such time as the City receives consent from the State Water Board’s Executive Director to apply the Project’s recycled water to new service connections to increased uses at existing service addresses resulting from a change in zoning or use”
The City will have to address this condition in its subscription process.
MPWMD is a responsible agency under the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). As a CEQA responsible agency,
the MPWMD may rely on the City’s CEQA compliance for the Ordinance.
City certified a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Project
on November 19, 2014, in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA). In certifying this EIR, the City
made specific findings which, by this reference, are made an integral part of this
ordinance, as if set forth in full. The
City thereafter prepared and certified a Supplemental EIR (SEIR) on
modification to the PG Local Water Project (SCH# 2014021058) which examined
impacts that might result from implementation of this ordinance. The Project will not have a significant effect
on the environment, based on information contained in the SEIR. Mitigation measures are not made as
conditions of approval by MPWMD for this action.
District Board action must comply with CEQA as well as MPWMD
regulations. In the review of this ordinance, MPWMD has followed
those guidelines adopted by the State of California and published in
the California Administrative Code, Title 14, Sections 15000, et
seq. Specifically, the MPWMD, as a Responsible Agency under CEQA for
this action, has complied with Guidelines section 15096. The MPWMD
has considered the applicable EIR and SEIR sections prepared by Brezack & Associates Planning that
relate to hydrology, water quality and water supply. A package of
these excerpts was provided to each Board member via
of the full EIR and SEIR associated with the Pacific Grove Local Water Project are available for public review at the District
office in hard copy or CD. The EIR and related documents can be
found at
1. As
a CEQA Responsible Agency, the Board should find that the City of Pacific
Grove’s certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Supplemental
Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) sufficiently analyzed the impacts related to
water and hydrology and that the evaluation was adequate to rely upon for
establishment of the City of Pacific Grove Water
Entitlement. Staff should file a Notice of Determination with the
Monterey County Clerk.
2. The
Board should approve the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 168,
establishing a Water Entitlement for the City of Pacific Grove.
13-A Draft Ordinance No. 168