
consider AUTHORIZATION OF Contract for Preparation of Los Padres Dam Fish Passage Study


Meeting Date:

April 18, 2016





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:

Los Padres Dam Long

Term Plan


Prepared By:

Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Water Supply Planning Committee reviewed this item on April 8, 2016 and recommended approval.  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on April 11, 2016 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  Exempt under CEQA Section 15262


SUMMARY:  The District received proposals from MWH Americas, Inc. (MWH) and HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) to conduct a study of alternatives to provide volitional upstream passage for steelhead over Los Padres Dam and through the reservoir.  Proposals were reviewed by staff at MPWMD, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and California American Water, which will reimburse the District for expenses associated with the study.


Attached as Exhibit 2-A and 2-B are portions of the proposals containing the work proposed and estimated cost.  Based on a recommendation from the review committee and a revised scope of work, the HDR proposal cost of $280,597 was revised upwards to $282,034.  The MWH proposal, which was priced at $346,500, was revised downward to $333,500.    The review committee determined that both Consultant firms are qualified to complete the study; however, the HDR proposal was priced at $51,466 less than the MWH proposal. Therefore, Staff recommends retaining HDR to complete the study with an initial Not-to-Exceed amount of $282,034 and also authorize a contingency of 10% of the proposal cost, which would allow for additional unforeseen tasks that could arise during the study.


RECOMMENDATION:  With this recommendation, the General Manager would be authorized to enter into an agreement for services with HDR Engineering, Inc. for a Not-to-Exceed amount of $310,000.


DISCUSSION:  Cal-Am’s General Rate Case (GRC) for 2015-2017 authorizes Cal-Am to co-fund up to $1 million in studies with the District to develop a long-term management plan for Los Padres Dam (LP Dam) and Reservoir.  The District’s share of costs for completing a plan are from ongoing efforts to develop a linked surface water-groundwater model (GSFLOW-MODFLOW) in the Carmel River Basin and from development of a steelhead habitat model (Instream Flow Incremental Method study).

These studies will evaluate upstream steelhead passage at LP Dam, whether the Carmel River is better or worse with surface storage at Los Padres Dam, and what options exist to maintain or expand physical existing surface storage in Los Padres Reservoir (i.e., manage annual sediment inflow to the reservoir and a potential expansion of reservoir capacity), and an analysis of the potential geomorphic effects of a resumption or increase of the natural flow of sediment.


The plan of study for the fish passage assessment will build on recent improvements to downstream passage and comprehensively evaluate potential viable alternatives to improve upstream passage at LP Dam and through the reservoir.  At their January 20, 2016 meeting, the Water Supply Planning Committee reviewed the draft study plan and recommended representation from the Monterey Peninsula, the County of Monterey and environmental interests on the proposed Advisory Group.  During the proposal review with CDFW and NMFS, the NMFS representative (Joyce Ambrosius) pointed out that the Advisory Group would be more effective at evaluating the larger question of whether the Carmel River and steelhead habitat in particular are better off with or without Los Padres Dam.  Staff concurs with the recommendation not to include Advisory Group meetings in the passage study mainly because there is no real controversy about improving fish passage at the dam and through the reservoir.  It is a well-recognized and long-standing issue that requires an alternative that is technically, economically, and biologically feasible.  The scope of work was revised to delete meetings of an Advisory Group, but include an optional additional meeting of the Technical Review Committee formed to develop evaluation criteria and select from alternatives.  In addition, the requirement to complete a bathymetric study using dual-beam equipment was revised to allow use of single beam equipment, which is less costly but provides an adequate resolution of data for this study.


Based on these changes, the HDR proposal cost of $280,597 was revised upwards to $282,034.  The MWH proposal, which was priced at $346,500, was revised downward based on the revised scope of work.   Cal-Am’s Project Manager, Julio Gonzales, indicated that if proposal costs are within 15% of the lowest cost proposal, a higher cost proposal could be selected if there is a compelling reason.  In this case, the MWH proposal is about 18% higher than the HDR proposal.  Both firms proposed a highly qualified team to carry out the proposal and are acceptable to the Technical Review Committee comprise of Cal-Am, NMFS, CDFW, and the District.


IMPACT ON STAFF/RESOURCES:   If the District enters in an agreement to complete this study, staff time will be required to participate in the study and administrate the project over approximately two years.  The project agreement with Cal-Am includes reimbursement of 5% of the project costs for District staff. 



2-A      HDR proposal (selection)

2-B      MWH proposal (selection)





 U:\staff\Boardpacket\2016\20160418\ConsentClndr\02\Item-2.docx x