List of Rules Amended by Draft Ordinance 175




Rule 11



Add definition for Consumptive Use, and amend definition of MPWRS

Rule 20-A



Amend fifth paragraph re: setting System Limits for previously existing systems

Rule 20-C-6


Amend text to clarify that period of inactivity is three consecutive years without water production

Rule 20.4

Noncompliance/System Limits

Add sentence regarding enforcement for incomplete applications and an option to request rescission of production limit for qualifying systems

Rule 21-A-4

Water Rights Documentation

Amend water rights text to refer to Implementation Guidelines for required information

Rule 22-A-1


Deadline for Permit Review (in compliance with Permit Streamlining Act); incomplete application packages subject to cancellation

Rule 22-A-2


Noted which applications are subject to Permit Streamlining Act

Rule 22-A-3

Exemption Protocol

Expand text to note that CVAA wells may have production limits imposed pursuant to August 2016  Board policy

Rule 22-A-4

Permit Protocol

Remove redundant language re: determination of complete package.  Add text to clarify that no connections to Cal-Am system are allowed based on Cal-Am water rights until replacement supplies are completed.

Rule 22-A-5

Permit Protocol

Remove redundant language re: determination of complete package

Rule 22-A-6

Permit Protocol

Remove redundant language re: determination of complete package.  Expand text to note that CVAA wells will have production limits imposed pursuant to August 2016  Board policy

Rule 22-B-5

Required Findings

Long-term reliable supply to be demonstrated

Rule 22-B-6

Required Findings

New Finding #6 stating CVAA wells will have production limits imposed pursuant to August 2016  Board policy

Rule 22-C- 2, and 22-C-3

Minimum Standards

Amend order of Finding #2 and #3; clarify that focus is physical ability to meet supply

Rule 22-C-6

Minimum Standards

Add new Standard #6 stating CVAA wells must be consistent with adopted MPWMD Policy for the CVAA  

Rule 22-F

Cancellation of Application

Amends text to allow cancellation of permit applications when processing fees are overdue

Rule 40-A

Setting System Limits

Rule changed to be in conformance with August 15, 2016  Board policy on production limits for CVAA wells plus previous Ordinance 160 changes to delete production limits for upland wells

Rule 60-J and 60-K

Fees and Charges

Correct text to state the hourly staff rate is provided in the Fees and Charges Table 22-A, which is amended by Board action and not part of the ordinance.  Amend text to incorporate updated costs for specific WDS tasks and add rows for  challenges and enforcement

