
Consider Authorization of a Contract Amendment with AECOM, Inc. for Additional Sediment Samples at Los Padres Reservoir


Meeting Date:

March 20, 2017





Dave Stoldt,


Augment Water Supply


General Manager

Line Item No.:

1-1-2 Los Padres Dam Long Term Plan


Prepared By:

Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate:

$60,000 (reimbursable)


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on March 13, 2016 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  No CEQA required.


SUMMARY:  The District and Cal-Am are working cooperatively to develop a comprehensive long-term management plan for Los Padres Dam and Reservoir.  The District has entered into an agreement with AECOM, Inc. to carry out an alternatives study for Los Padres Dam that includes a task to obtain reservoir sediment samples.  The original budget and scope for this task allowed for a limited number of samples (four) to be obtained with a barge-mounted core drill rig.  Cal Am has agreed to forego a portion of their administrative costs for this project in order to expand the drilling program.


AECOM has proposed to double the number of sample sites to eight and add an additional day of drilling to cover any unexpected or difficult conditions within the reservoir.  AECOM’s estimate for this additional work is $60,000.


If this item is approved with the Consent Calendar, the General Manager would be authorized to increase the not-to-exceed contact amount by $60,000.  District expenses for this project are subject to reimbursement by Cal Am.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends acceptance of the AECOM proposal for additional sediment samples and authorization for the General Manager to amend the contract with AECOM to increase the not-to-exceed amount by $60,000.






