


Meeting Date:

March 20, 2017





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:




Prepared By:

Beverly Chaney

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  No CEQA review required.


AQUATIC HABITAT AND FLOW CONDITIONS:  Following the wettest January since 1998, February’s Carmel River flows surpassed January’s with high flows throughout the month including a peak of 10,000 cubic feet-per-second (cfs) at the USGS Near Carmel Gage (see graph, note the logarithmic scale).



Mean daily streamflow at the Sleepy Hollow Weir ranged from 347 to 4,370 cfs (monthly mean 1,353 cfs) resulting in 75,160 acre-feet (AF) of runoff. The Highway 1 gage was rewetted on December 9 and the February monthly flow ranged from 433 to 6,220 cfs (monthly mean 1,416 cfs), resulting in an impressive 78,620 AF of runoff.

February had 9.27 inches of rainfall as recorded at Cal-Am’s San Clemente gauge (12.85 inches at Los Padres Dam and even more in the highest peaks). The rainfall total for WY 2017 (which started on October 1, 2016) is 28.06 inches, or 182% of the long-term year-to-date average of 15.43 inches. 

 CARMEL RIVER LAGOON:   The lagoon began filling December 9th and spilled naturally (without mechanical breeching) to the south on December 19th after reaching ~14.2 feet water surface elevation (WSE) above mean-sea-level (NAVD 1988 datum).  During February 2017, the WSE ranged from approximately 4.2 – 9.5 feet above mean-sea-level (see graph below).  By the end of February, the lagoon mouth had moved to the north, exiting near “Stewart’s Cove”.


Water-quality profiles were conducted at five lagoon sites on February 13th. Conditions were generally “excellent” with high dissolved oxygen (DO) levels (8 – 12 mg/l), and low salinity (< 2 ppt) and water temperatures (51-54 degrees Fahrenheit).  The north arm had become isolated from the main lagoon body and had low DO (0.6 - 3 ppt).


DIDSON FISH COUNTER: The DIDSON (dual-frequency identification sonar) acoustic camera was installed in the lower river on December 28, 2016. The large February storm dislodged the camera and it was removed. It is unclear if it will be reinstalled this season. District staff is currently analyzing the computerized sonar images from the camera to estimate the number of adult steelhead migrating up and down the river through mid-February.


LOS PADRES DAM ADULT COUNTS:  Cal-Am began their adult steelhead trap and truck operations at LPD on December 19, 2016.  The first ocean-run adult steelhead since 2013 were trapped and transported above the dam on February 2, 2017.  By the end of February 2017, two adult females steelhead and nine resident fish (<16”, non-ocean run) had been trapped and transported upstream by Cal-Am employees.


Additionally, the LPD Smolt Emigration Facility began operation on January 20, 2017.


SLEEPY HOLLOW STEELHEAD REARING FACILITY:  The Facility was decommissioned for the winter season in early December after the release of all fish (see the January 25 Board Meeting for details).  During the January and February storm events, the Facility sustained only minor damage, primarily to the lower end of the rearing channel.

