
Consider Approval of Contract with Towill, iNC. for Aerial photography of the Carmel River


Meeting Date:

June 19, 2017





David J. Stoldt


Erosion Protection


General Manager

Line Item No.:    



Prepared By:

Thomas Christensen

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on June 12, 2017 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.


SUMMARY:  Staff proposes to enter into an agreement with Towill Inc. for aerial photography of the Carmel River from the Pacific Ocean to Los Padres Reservoir.  Aerial photography is useful for tracking changes in the river corridor especially related to high flows and erosion. It can also be used as a baseline when enforcing District rules and regulations.


RECOMMENDATION:  Authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement with Towill Inc. to provide aerial photography for a not-to-exceed amount of $30,000.  Approval of this item is contingent upon approval of the Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget presented at the June 19, 2017 meeting.


DISCUSSION:  Aerial photography of the Carmel River corridor from the Pacific Ocean to San Clemente Dam has been carried out on an annual basis since 1983. This is a permit condition associated with Cal-Am’s Four Well Agreement with Monterey County and the District. The purpose of this photography is to document changes in riparian vegetation associated with groundwater extraction for the community’s water supply. It is also useful to track changes after high flow events which occurred last winter. One such change is the erosion that occurred downstream of Rancho San Carlos Road Bridge. Last year Cal-Am tried to use a drone to carry out the aerial photography. However, the quality of the data was not consistent with the long term data set. The District has decided the best approach is to carry out the aerial photography using the standard methods under the Mitigation Program.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Funds for this project are included in the FY 2017-18 budget under “Riparian Mitigations,” line item 2-1-5 Carmel River Annual Aerial Photography, Account 24-03-787022.



10-A    Proposal dated May 3, 2017


