
Consider Expenditure for Assistance with the Instream Flow Model for the Carmel River


Meeting Date:

October 16, 2017





David J. Stoldt


Augment Water Supply


General Manager

Line Item No.:




Account No.



Prepared By:

Larry Hampson

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  No Administrative Committee recommendation due to cancellation of the October 9, 2017 meeting.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.


SUMMARY:  Staff proposes an amendment to an existing agreement for services with Normandeau Environmental Consultants (Normandeau) for assistance with additional analysis for the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) study for the Carmel River.  Normandeau would provide assistance to assess whether channel changes in the Carmel River as a result of high winter flows in 2017 significantly affect the results of the study completed in 2016.  Normandeau would also provide time series analysis of habitat conditions under several water supply scenarios to be modeled in conjunction with the Los Padres Dam Alternatives Study.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends approval of the expenditure of up to $15,000 for additional assistance with IFIM analysis of steelhead habitat in the Carmel River.    If this item is adopted with the Consent Calendar, the General Manager would be authorized to amend an agreement for services with Normandeau Environmental Services and increase that agreement from a not-to-exceed (NTE) amount of $246,000 to a NTE of up to $261,000. 


IMPACTS TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Funds for additional work for this project were identified in the FY 2017-18 Budget, Program Line Item 1-8-1-A, Other Water Supply Projects – IFIM feasibility studies. 


DISCUSSION:  IFIM is an accepted scientific approach to quantifying the effects to aquatic habitat from water diversions at various levels of instream flows.  Results from this work will provide the basis for evaluating water supply options from the Carmel River and revising existing instream flow requirements necessary to protect steelhead and their habitat in the Carmel River. The District, NMFS, CDFW, and California American Water (Cal-Am) are interested in updating these instream flow requirements in order to best manage steelhead populations in the Carmel River.


The Board has previously approved expenditures of up to $246,000 for IFIM assistance since the project began in 2013.  Below is a table showing estimated costs for the IFIM study.


Table 1 – Estimated Costs for the Carmel River IFIM Study





