
Authorize ADDITIONial Expenditure for Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) Tag Reading Equipment to Monitor Juvenile Steelhead Emigration and Eventual Adult Returns


Meeting Date:

April 16, 2018





Dave Stoldt,

General Manager


Line Item No.:

Aquatic Resources/ Fisheries  2-3-1 H.


Prepared By:

Kevan Urquhart

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval: N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on April 9, 2018 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines section 15378.


SUMMARY: The District has been cooperating with the National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center (NMFS-SWFSC) since 2013 to tag juvenile steelhead with half-duplex (HDX) Passive Integrated Transponder tags (PIT-tags).  In fall of 2017, the district purchased parts to add to NMFS-SWFSC stock, in order to put together two more arrays in the mainstem river.  The two arrays are located at Scarlett Well and at Sleepy Hollow Bridge.  One of the controllers at the Sleepy Hollow Bridge is malfunctioning, and needs replacement.  A second controller will be purchased in order to have one on hand in case of future emergency repair and to also use as a test controller for experimenting with different antenna designs in order to improve tag read range.  Tags, tag injectors and needles are needed in order to tag juvenile fish this upcoming rescue season.


In August 2017, the board approved a not-to-exceed amount of $8,500. To date we have spent $6,660, leaving $1,840 authorized.  The additional equipment needed to keep the arrays in operation and continue tagging fish this fiscal year, total’s $5,000, exceeding the approved amount by $3,160.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the District Board authorize additional expenditure of budgeted funds in the amount of $3,200 to cover the costs of keeping the PIT tag antennae arrays operating, and buying additional tags as needed throughout the rest of the fiscal year.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  The Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget includes $65,000 for pilot studies to develop new monitoring methods steelhead related to our impending NMFS permit.




