18. |
2018 |
Meeting Date: |
November 19, 2018 |
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David J. Stoldt, |
Program/ |
N/A |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: |
Prepared By: |
Beverly Chaney |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
Counsel Review: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: This action does not
constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act
Guidelines Section 15378. |
AQUATIC HABITAT AND FLOW CONDITIONS: Releases from Los Padres Reservoir were held
steady in October at 7.0 cubic-feet-per-second (cfs), while the reservoir’s
water surface elevation dropped to ~1,018 feet (783 acre-feet storage) by the
end of the month. Most sections of lower Carmel River below the
Schulte Well remain dry. A short section in the DeDampierre reach is also
transitional. One day of steelhead rescues were needed this month (see details
below) as rearing conditions for juvenile steelhead remained generally “poor”
below the narrows. All lower valley tributaries are dry at the
Mean daily streamflow at the Sleepy Hollow Weir ranged from 5.5 to
6.9 cfs (monthly mean 6.21 cfs) resulting in 382 acre-feet (AF) of runoff,
while it was dry at the Highway 1 gage.
There were 0.32 inches of rainfall in October as recorded at
Cal-Am’s San Clemente gauge. The rainfall total for WY 2019 (which started on
October 1, 2018) is 0.32 inches, or 41% of the long-term year-to-date average
of 0.78 inches.
LAGOON: The lagoon mouth is
closed and the water surface elevation rose two feet from 5.5 to 7.5 feet (North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) due primarily to seawater overtopping the
beach berm (see graph below).
Water quality
depth-profiles were conducted at five sites on October 22 while the lagoon was
closed with no river inflow. Steelhead rearing conditions at all sites were
generally “fair” with low salinity (4-18 ppt), water temperature ranging
from 61-69 degrees F, and dissolved oxygen (DO) levels of 3-10 mg/l. A large school of striped bass was observed
at the entrance to the south arm.
Mainstem Carmel River
Steelhead Rescues – One rescue was
conducted in October in an isolated pool near Schulte well, 73 1+ and YOY fish
were captured and moved upstream.
As of October 31st
a total of 2,794 fish have been rescued in 2018 including: 1,396 YOY, 1,383 1+,
1 adult, 14 mortalities (0.5%), 2,271 fish were tagged, and there were 18
recaptures of previously tagged fish (0.64%).
Tagging – Rescued fish larger than 65 mm are now being tagged
with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags. District staff
is currently operating four PIT tag arrays (tag number readers) on the Carmel
River in a partnership between the District and the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS). Data is being collected for future analysis and reporting.
Juvenile Steelhead Fall
Population Surveys – The District and
NMFS are partnering up for a third year of an expanded steelhead population
survey program that covers more sites over a larger portion of the watershed
while PIT tagging additional fish. This year more than 20 sites were sampled
between the lower valley and above LPR, as well as several in the
tributaries. Results will be described
in future reports.
contractor Mercer-Fraser Company of Eureka, CA, was hired for the Intake
Upgrade Project and started construction in September on the $2 million
project. The main features of the project include installing a new intake
structure that can withstand flood and drought conditions as well as the
increased bedload from the San Clemente Dam removal project two years ago, and
a new Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) that can be operated in times of
poor river water quality to keep the fish healthy. During October, the new intake structure and
screen were installed while the old existing structures were removed.