16. |
Meeting Date: |
March 18, 2019 |
Budgeted: |
No |
From: |
David J. Stoldt |
Program/ |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: No |
Prepared By: |
David J. Stoldt |
Cost Estimate: |
N/A |
General Counsel Approval: District Counsel reviewed and approved the resolution for presentation to the Board |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: This action does not constitute a project as defined by
the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378. |
SUMMARY: Attached as Exhibit 16-A is Draft Resolution 2019-01 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule and Authorizing Destruction of Certain Records. This Records Retention Schedule (RRS) is an update to the schedule that was adopted by the Board in 1992.
The RRS is a policy document listing the District’s records, along with agreed upon lengths of time they must be retained. The list provides staff with guidance on timely destruction or permanent retention of records, as specified by law, legal risk, and administrative need. The RRS is an evolving document that will be updated as new types of records are created, or legal or regulatory changes effect specific record types. Resolution 2019-01 states that with the consent of the General Manager and District Counsel the RRS can be amended without further action of the Board.
RECOMMENDATION: The Board of Directors adopt Resolution 2019-01 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule, attached as Exhibit 16-A.
BACKGROUND: Implementation of the updated RRS is a step towards completion of the Board’s 1-year Strategic Goal adopted in 2017, “Develop a revised file retention policy and email retention policy; Reduce physical files.” Currently underway is development of new procedures for retention and destruction of e-communications, and electronic records not already maintained in records management software.
In 1992, the Board adopted Resolution 1992-13 that provided guidance on retention of records, contained a brief list of records to be retained permanently and authorized the General Manager to specify retention of other District records. In 2005, General Manager David Berger, in consultation with District Counsel, provided additional direction for retention and destruction of an expanded list of records including guidance on retention of email.
The updated RRS submitted with Resolution 2019-01 was developed by the Executive Assistant, who utilized the California Secretary of State guidelines and RRS’s published by other public agencies to research appropriate retention periods. Collaboration with District staff was also essential. The draft was reviewed by Diane Gladwell of Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc, a leading expert in records management for municipal governments. Her comments were incorporated into the RRS. District Counsel conducted the final review.