


Meeting Date:

July 15, 2019





David J. Stoldt


Water Supply Projects


General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Jonathan Lear

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel  Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on July 8, 2018 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:   This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.



















SUMMARY:  The District’s Carmel River Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) project is operated under a cooperative agreement between the District and California American Water (Cal-Am.) Under this agreement, the District operates the wells during the injection season and collects the data required to meet permit requirements for the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights (DWR) and the Regional Water Quality Control Board.  The District also provides data to the Seaside Groundwater Basin Watermaster (Watermaster) related to the Storage and Recovery agreement between Cal-Am and the Watermaster.  Pueblo Water Resources (PWR) is used to support District staff with the field work, data collection, and report preparation to operate the wells while injecting and comply with permit requirements.


DISCUSSION:  Due to the seasonal nature of work associated with ASR operations, the District has opted to not hire full time operators dedicated solely to ASR, but to hire PWR as support staff on an as-needed basis to keep costs of ASR operation low.  PWR will assist in field work, support data networks, and assist in the preparation of compliance reports.  PWR has 16 years of experience in supporting this project and is familiar with the ASR procedures and regulations and therefore is able to plug in quickly with little spin up time when their services are needed.  Budget estimate is based on a wet water year type where there would be over 150 operational days.  If WY 2020 is not a wet water year, less support will be needed and the full budget will not be spent.  Staff proposes to retain PWR to support the District with operations on an as-needed basis for the WY 2020 ASR season. 


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to enter into an agreement on an as-needed basis, not to exceed $70,000 with PWR to support the District with WY 2020 ASR operations.


BACKGROUND:  The District completes annual water quality monitoring at the ASR facilities as outlined in the ASR Sample and Analysis Plan, which is a requirement for project operations by the Regional Water Quality Control Board.  The District also monitors and reports streamflow and diversion volumes to the DWR, NOAA Fisheries, and State Department of Fish and Wildlife for permit compliance.  In addition, the District reports volumes of water injected and recovered to the Watermaster as required by the Storage and Recovery agreement between Cal-Am and the Watermaster.  The District has used PWR for 16 years to support the development and operation of the Carmel River ASR project.


IMPACT TO STAFF/RESOURCES:  Funds for this project are included in the FY 2019-20 budget under “Water Supply Projects,” line item 1-2-1.  Funds expended to complete this work will be shared between the District and Cal-Am through the ASR Management and Operations agreement between the District and Cal-Am. Staff time will be utilized to aid consultant in sample collection.



3-A      Sample and Analysis Plan outlining annual ASR project monitoring as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board


