
Report on Legislative Outreach for Calendar Year 2019


Meeting Date:

December 16, 2019





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.: 



Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.


SUMMARY:  During the course of the 2019 calendar year, the District has undertaken a variety of outreach efforts with the legislature, government agencies, and industry groups consistent with its adopted 2019 Legislative Advocacy Plan.  Several of these activities are identified chronologically below.




·         Hired federal lobbying firm The Ferguson Group in January 2017.  Monthly conference calls.  Notifications of bills and federal activity.  Consultation on other western water recycling lobbying activities.  Accompanied MPWMD staff at meetings with US Bureau of Reclamation during ACWA in May and December (see Exhibit 7-A)


·         Received w/ Monterey One Water USBR Title XVI WaterSMART WIIN grant for Pure Water Monterey (awaiting appropriation).


·         Coordinated with Congressman Panetta’s office on changes to tax code for water-related rebates


·         Submitted USBR Title XVI WaterSMART grant application in July (awaiting notification.).


·         District co-signed letters of support for variety of issues (see Exhibit 7-B)





·         Miscellaneous meetings with JEA Associates to discuss Sacramento strategy.


·         Multiple meetings and correspondence regarding state issues (see Exhibit 7-A)


·         Numerous letters regarding proposed Statewide legislation, several in consultation with ACWA  (see Exhibit 7-B)


·         Attended conferences and maintained visibility for Association of California Water Agencies, California Special Districts Association, California Water Association.




·         Meet regularly with local interest groups (e.g. Coalition of Peninsula Businesses, Hospitality Association, Chambers of Commerce, Carmel Valley Association, LandWatch, Public Water Now, among others) and their representatives as requested.


·         Sponsored, exhibited, and attended public events such as the County Fair water wise landscape competition, golf outings for Hospitality Association, and Commercial Property Owners Association.



7-A      2019 Meeting Agendas

7-B      2019 Legislative Letters of Support/Opposition


