
Consider AUTHORIZATION FOR GENERAL MANAGER TO amend CONTRACT FOR Los Padres Dam Alternatives Study


Meeting Date:

April 19, 2021





Dave Stoldt,


Augment Water Supply


General Manager

Line Item No.:

1-1-2 Los Padres Dam Long Term Plan


Prepared By:

Thomas Christensen

Cost Estimate:

$94,220 (reimbursed)


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on April 12, 2021 and recommended approval.


SUMMARY:  The District and Cal-Am are working cooperatively to develop a comprehensive long-term management plan for Los Padres Dam and Reservoir. Part of this process includes the Los Padres Alternatives Study (Study). The cost for this Study was developed in 2016 and the District entered into a contract with AECOM in early 2017. The reports were supposed to be finalized in 2018. However, there has been significant input from California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) with regards to technical aspects of the Study related to sediment, steelhead, and modeled Carmel River flows. Much of this review by CDFW and NMFS is complete, and AECOM is now preparing to complete the remaining tasks of the Study and incorporate some new information from NMFS’ own steelhead studies on the Carmel River. AECOM has requested a contract amendment because their original cost proposal did not account for this long of a study duration (annual rate increases), additional technical review meetings, and incorporation of new steelhead studies (Exhibit 14-A).


The Study focuses on three main alternatives: 1) management of existing and future sediment accumulation in the reservoir; 2) expansion of reservoir storage; and 3) dam removal.  To finalize the Study, AECOM needs to evaluate the effects on steelhead from different alternatives, identify feasible alternatives, and prepare a final report.


RECOMMENDATION:  The Board should authorize and approve the budget amendment request received from AECOM for the Los Padres Dam & Reservoir Alternatives & Sediment Management Study, AECOM Project No. 60536296 not to exceed $94,220. It is important to note that Cal-Am has agreed to reimburse the District and fund this budget amendment request.


DISCUSSION:  Many of the delays in completing the Study have been outside of AECOM’s control. AECOM has also attended additional meetings with CDFW and NOAA to help work towards a final document that addresses their concerns.



14-A    AECOM Budget Amendment Request

U:\staff\Boardpacket\2021\20210419\Action Items\14\Item-14.docx