


Meeting Date:

July 19, 2021





David J. Stoldt


Water Supply Projects


General Manager

Line Item:

Project 1-2-1-A-5


Prepared By:

Maureen Hamilton

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  No

Committee Recommendation:  The Administrative Committee reviewed this item on July 12, 2021 and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California

Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.



















SUMMARY:  On April 30, 2021 MPWMD issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for landscape and outreach design services at the Santa Margarita Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) site.  The Santa Margarita site is located on General Jim Moore Blvd. in Seaside at the intersection of Coe/Eucalyptus.  Walkers and bicycle riders frequently pass by the site.


The RFP was posted on the MPWMD and California Special Districts Association websites.  Staff contacted several local jurisdictions to obtain landscape designer references and invited local landscape designers with a website indicating experience with commercial or industrial sites to provide a proposal.


The first part of the work will be to provide construction plans for landscaping in front of the ASR site. Requirements include planting Deergrass (or better), installing gravel, providing sample station purge water containment, and irrigation works.


The second part of this project will be to provide three concept designs for a public outreach installation in front of the ASR site.  Concept designs will be provided in the Basis of Design phase.  MPWMD will review the Basis of Design concept designs with the Public Outreach Committee and City of Seaside staff.  MPWMD and City feedback will be incorporated into final concept designs. 


One proposal was received from Ecological Concerns Incorporated (ECI).  Staff reviewed the proposal and contacted references.  Staff recommends entering into a contract with the proposing firm.  Pages 5 and 6 of the ECI proposal, attached as Exhibit 4-A, outline ECI’s approach to the outreach scope of services.


ECI is located in Santa Cruz and has been in business for almost thirty years.  The firm has worked on projects from San Francisco to the Monterey Peninsula, including Perkins Park Revitalization for the City of Pacific Grove and Hartnell Gulch Restoration for the City of Monterey.  Reviews from references cited exemplary performance.  ECI has qualified staff to support our design, construction documentation, ecological, and local regulatory needs (Exhibit 4-A).


RECOMMENDATION:  The Administrative Committee recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to enter into a contract with Ecological Concerns Incorporated in the amount of $19,120 with a 15% contingency for a total not-to-exceed amount of $21,988.



4-A      Ecological Concerns Incorporated Response to Request for Proposals for Landscape and Outreach Design Services



U:\staff\Boardpacket\2021\20210719\Consent Calendar\04\Item-4.docx