7. |
Meeting Date: |
December 13, 2021
Budgeted: |
N/A |
From: |
David J. Stoldt, |
Program/ |
General Manager |
Line Item No.: |
Prepared By: |
David J. Stoldt |
Cost Estimate: |
General Counsel Review: N/A |
Committee Recommendation: N/A |
CEQA Compliance: This action does not constitute a project as
defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378. |
ASR: All major construction complete.
Desalination Project (MPWSP): Nothing to report.
Pure Water Monterey Project:
Total PWM water recharged to date about
4,900 AF ( ~ 1.6 billion gallons delivered).
Reclamation Ditch PS and Blanco Drain
PS are operational.
Salinas Stormwater Phase 1A & 1B
facilities are available for use.
Advanced Water Purification Facility is
fully operational.
Water Conveyance Pipeline &
Blackhorse Reservoir are conveying purified water full-time to the injection
All injection wells in service; nominal
injection rate holding steady at 300 AF per month.
PWM permitting activities with the
State Division of Drinking Water and the RWQCB continue with a follow-up
extrinsic tracer study which was started October 21.
The current Injection Wells Phase 3
schedule still shows impacts due to late delivery of the two Deep Injection
Wells (DIW’s) backflush pumps. As a result, for example, DIW-3 first injection
is now early February 2022.
The procurement delays of the backflush
pumps being supplied by National Pump Company are the result of their global
and national-level material supply chain impacts; they are expediting their
Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers for improved delivery dates. Positive news since
the last Board update is these key backflush pump components have arrived at the
construction site or the Contractors warehouse: two 500 hp pump motors and
enough pump column pipe for DIW-3. Major pump components still needed on-site
are the pump bowl assemblies, pump drive shafts, and the medium-voltage power
cables. A revised schedule is attached
as Exhibit 7-A.
Expanded Pure Water Monterey
Memorandum of Understanding to
agree to sign the Water Purchase Agreement if approved by the CPUC has been
executed by all three parties.
Amendment 6 to the Cost Sharing
Agreement with M1W has been approved by both parties and signatures being
M1W and MPWMD staff worked with
City of Seaside staff to secure permission for the Injection Wells Phase 4 DIW
exploratory borings. State-wide drill rig availability has the exploratory
borings now being started after the Thanksgiving break.
Expanded PWM permitting and design
activities for both construction bid packages, AWPF expansion and Injection
Wells Phase 4 (which includes DIW-5 & DIW-6), are ongoing with their Basis
of Design Reports (BODR’s) completed, and now are moving into final design.
Expanded PWM construction will
start in early September 2022, with substantial completion of the new water
supply facilities by the end of 2023.
M1W and MPWMD staff have also been
meeting with City of Seaside staff to initiate the final property easement
acquisition process for all the PWM injection well field facilities.
7-A Executive
Level Project Schedule