
Consider Adoption of Resolution NO. 2022-30: A Resolution of the Board of Directors Authorizing the Application, Acceptance, and Execution WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD for DEEP INJECTION WELL NO. 6 OF the Expansion of the Pure Water Monterey Project


Meeting Date:

October 17, 2022





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:    



Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Approval:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  None

CEQA Compliance:   This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California

Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.





















SUMMARY:  Late last year, the District submitted a request through the office of State Senator John Laird for immediate and long-term drought relief by adding an additional injection well, Deep Injection Well No. 6 (DIW-6), to the Expansion of the Pure Water Monterey project.


$4.8 million was approved by the Governor in the Budget Act of 2022.


RECOMMENDATION:  The General Manager recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 2022-30 and direct staff to submit an application to the State Water Resources Control Board.


DISCUSSION:  Pure Water Monterey expansion has recently been undertaken and includes an increase in the amount of injection to achieve an additional 2,250 AFY of yield bringing the total deliveries to Cal-Am of 5,750 AFY on average.  The expanded injection well area would contain up to three well sites, but only one new deep injection well was contemplated in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report certified April 26, 2021.  The remaining two sites were contemplated for replacement injection wells in the future.


In August 2021, the District, with support from Monterey One Water, informed the Senator that with additional funding, the Pure Water Monterey expansion project could add a sixth deep injection well.  Such a well would result in three desirable outcomes: (i) use of excess capacity in the advanced water purification facility to produce more water, offsetting sources that may be constrained by drought; (ii) building a drought reserve in the ground during dry, normal, or wet years creating longer-term drought resilience; and (iii) create redundancy and operational flexibility.


The $4.8 million requested will allow MPWMD and M1W to complete planning, design, and construction of an additional Deep Injection Well (see table below for a breakdown of the funding). This opportunity through the State of California will help strengthen the water supply in a community facing a severe water supply challenge. As drought and other environmental impacts continue to plague California, this effort is more important than ever.  


Injection Well 6



Engineering Design

 $       351,750.00

Bid Phase Support

 $          21,000.00

Construction Costs

 $    3,885,000.00

Engineering Services During Construction

 $       278,250.00

Construction Management

 $       172,200.00

Environmental, Permitting & Legal

 $          91,800.00


 $    4,800,000.00




7-A      Resolution No. 2022-30                     



U:\staff\Boardpacket\2022\20221017\Action Items\07\Item-7.docx