


Meeting Date:

April 17, 2023





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

Joel G. Pablo

Cost Estimate:



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.


A list of letters sent by and/or received by the Board Chair and/or General Manager between March 15, 2023 and April 11, 2023 is shown below.


The purpose of including a list of these letters in the Board packet is to inform the Board and interested citizens. Copies of the letters are available for public review at the District office. If a member of the public would like to receive a copy of any letter listed, please contact the District office. Reproduction costs will be charged. The letters can also be downloaded from the District’s website at






Melodie Chrislock

Board of Director’s and General Manager

March 16, 2023

Press Release- Cal-Am Agrees to Sign PWM Expansion Agreement

Monterey Bay Air Resources District

General Manager

March 20, 2023

Notice of Availability of Air District Fee Rule Revisions and Public Meeting Schedule


John McPherson

General Manager and the Board of Director’s

March 20, 2023

Public Comment for Special/Regular Board Meeting on Monday, March 20, 2023


Subject: Agency is Outside of Measure J Authority

County of Monterey – Housing and Community Development Department

General Manager

March 27, 2023

Public Notice Received

Mitigated Negative Declaration for a Combined Development Permit for Robert Louis Stevenson School located at 3152 Forest Lake Road, Pebble Beach, CA

Melodie Chrislock

General Manager and the Board of Director’s

March 27, 2023

Letters to the Editor- Schiavone / Chrislock

Melodie Chrislock

Board of Director’s and General Manager

March 28, 2023

Herald Letters – Coppernoll  / Glenn

Melodie Chrislock

Board of Director’s and General Manager

March 28, 2023

Melodie Chrislock Guest Commentary: Why Cal-Am Must Go? – Published in the Monterey Herald

Carolyn Bluemle

Board of Director’s and General Manager

March 30, 2023

Public Comment for Special Board Meeting on April 3, 2023


Support: Public Buyout of Cal-Am

Mark Eckles

Board of Director’s and General Manager

April 3, 2023

Public Comment for Special Board Meeting on April 3, 2023


Support: Public Buyout of Cal-Am

John Tilley

Board of Director’s and General Manager

April 6, 2023

John Tilley Comments on Buyout Communications Honoring the Democratic Process



U:\staff\Boardpacket\2023\20230417\Informational Items\16\Item-16.docx