
Consider APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH RINCON CONSULTANTS FOR environmental consulting services for future DISTRICT water allocation PROCESS


Meeting Date:

May 25, 2023





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.: 



Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate: 



General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  N/A

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.



















SUMMARY:  With the signing of the Amended and Restated Water Purchase Agreement for the Pure Water Monterey (PWM) project, the construction of the PWM Expansion is expected to begin in August 2023. The PWM Expansion is expected to bring the permanent replacement water supply that will enable the lifting of the cease and desist order (CDO) and the moratorium on the setting of new meters, if Cal-Am, the District, and the State Water Board all cooperate.


The new supply over and above existing demand will be allocated to local jurisdictions through a process lead by the District, involving first the Technical Advisory Committee, and then ultimately the Policy Advisory Committee.


The proposed scope of work for Rincon Consultants is to interview District staff to better understand what the Allocation Process involves, perform a literature review of Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Supplemental EIRs, general plans, etc for water projects and future growth and then advise the District through a technical memorandum on the appropriate environmental action for the Allocation Process.


RECOMMENDATION:  The General Manager recommends that the Board approve a contract with Rincon Consultants in the amount of $26,401, plus a contingency of approximately 10% for a total not to exceed $29,000 for environmental services related to the District water Allocation Process.



1-A      Rincon Consultants Letter Proposal



