


Meeting Date:

May 20, 2023





David J. Stoldt,




General Manager

Line Item No.:



Prepared By:

David J. Stoldt

Cost Estimate:

$54,000 Annually


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item on May 13, 2024, and recommended approval.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California

Environmental Quality Act Guidelines section 15378.


SUMMARY:  JEA and Associates (JEA) has worked with Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (District) since 2009 to advance the District’s interests in Sacramento on a wide variety of projects and issues.


DISCUSSION:  Areas of experience provided by JEA in the past include:


·         We have worked closely and developed strong relationships with our delegation, including Senator Laird and Assemblymember Addis, but also Speaker Rivas and Senator Caballero regionally.  Not only does JEA have good personal relationships with these legislators, but also with their Capitol and District staff. JEA has consistently utilized these relationships, and previously Mark Stone and Bill Monning, on behalf of MPWMD over the many years.


·         JEA has represented MPWMD in weekly ACWA advocacy meetings, got appointed to ACWA’s Bond Working Group, which resulted in shaping some of ACWA’s requests for the recent water bond proposals.


·         JEA maintains a productive and supportive relationship with ACWA and works closely on coalition efforts on various pieces of legislation and budget items. This helps raise the District’s and the General Manager’s stature with ACWA.


·         JEA has been helpful in facilitating discussions in regards to MPWMD’s Cease and Desist Order Condition 2 issue, including but not limited to meetings with SWRCB staff. They also helped with previous District “water for housing” inquiries with Senate Housing Committee consultants and the Department of Housing and Community Development deputies. 


·         JEA has worked closely with MPWMD on possible special legislation related to its LAFCO situation.  This included numerous meetings and conversations with Senator Laird’s senior consultants, internal strategy discussions, and coordinating with Legislative Counsel on legislative language. 


·         JEA has communicated regularly with MPWMD’s legislative delegation on MPWMD issues and bill positions – coordinating calls or meetings with senior staff.  Also, monitors and reports out regional water legislation.


·         Regularly forwards and discusses potential funding opportunities, including drafting extensive memos on available grants/funding. 


·         Monitors and tracks over 60 bills a year and draft appropriate correspondence/letters and provide testimony on behalf of MPWMD. 


·         Coordinate regularly in scheduling meetings in Sacramento with the General Manager and Board Members with state agencies and MPWMD’s legislation on various issues, including Cal-Am, local measures (Measure J), etc.


·         Monitor and advise on new programmatic state guidelines.


·         Introduced and passed SB 936 (Monning) which allowed Cal-Am and MPWMD to use water rate relief bonds to finance the acquisition and construction of infrastructure, including desal facilities, to develop new water sources. Large effort required many meetings with committee consultants and testimony at several committee hearings.


COST:  JEA has proposed a retainer from $4,500 a month for the upcoming fiscal year 2024-25.  A copy of the proposed agreement is included as Exhibit 5-A.


RECOMMENDATION:  The Finance and Administration Committee recommends that the Board approve the proposed agreement with JEA & Associates for FY 2024-25.



5-A      Proposed Agreement for FY 2024-2025       


U:\staff\Boardpacket\2024\05202024\Consent Calendar\05\Item-5.docx