18. |
Meeting Date: |
June 17, 2024 |
Budgeted: |
Yes |
From: |
David J. Stoldt, |
Program/ |
Seaside Basin
Modeling |
General Manager |
Line Item: |
1-5-1-A |
Prepared By: |
Jonathan Lear |
Cost Estimate: |
$55,000 |
General Counsel Review: N/A |
Recommendation: The Finance and Administration Committee discussed
this item on June 10, 2024, and recommended approval. |
CEQA Compliance: This
action is a categoric exemption from CEQA under CEQA Guideline Section 15301
for “Existing Facilities.” District will prepare a NOE for this effort |
SUMMARY: District Staff has been working with two groundwater models over the past number of years to support the development of water resources projects, the evaluation of possibly removing Los Padres Reservoir, and the effects of climate change on the future of water resources on the Monterey Bay region. District staff has been working with Monterey One Water (M1W) and Montgomery and Associates to support the effort of expanding Pure Water Monterey and to permit the ongoing tracer test associated with the current operating project. District staff has been utilizing the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to support the effort of evaluating the alternatives for Los Padres Dam and climate change on the Carmel River Basin. The District currently has a Master Services Contract with Montgomery to provide modeling support. A line item of $55,000 is included in the FY2024-2025 budget to support the continued use of the Carmel River and Seaside Groundwater Basin Models by Montgomery.
As new water resource projects come online and more restrictive regulations on how much water can be produced from Carmel Valley, it is important that the District maintain the ability to model future iterations of projects and regulations as we plan for the Pure Water Monterey Expansion Project. Montgomery and Associates currently maintains the Seaside Basin model for the Watermaster and M1W and maintains the Carmel River Basin Model for the District. As the Expansion project is constructed and wells are performance tested, the groundwater system will need to be modeled with the new information to establish travel times of groundwater from injection wells to recovery wells. In addition, District Ordinance No. 183 will need to be updated with the results of this modeling as a requirement from the Department of Drinking Water to operate the expanded project.
The proposed contract amendment would provide the District the ability to retain the consultant that is already familiar with the water resources needs of the region in a timely manner to operate and maintain both groundwater models for District Purposes.
RECOMMENDATION: The Finance and Administration Committee recommends that the Board authorize and direct the General Manager to enter into a contract amendment with Montgomery and Associates to provide groundwater modeling support to the District in an amount not-to-exceed $55,000. The District allows contracts for professional specialized services and administrative matters under Chapter 5 of the Purchasing Policy and Gov. Code. 53060.
BACKGROUND: The District utilizes two groundwater models to simulate hydrologic processes associated with proposed projects such as the Pure Water Monterey Expansion and the investigation into the removal of Los Padres Dam. The Seaside Groundwater model was developed by the Seaside Watermaster in 2010 and the Carmel River Basin Hydrologic Model was developed by the USGS and District staff over the past 7 years. Both models are currently in use supporting projects including water resources and the evaluation of climate change on future water resources for the Monterey Bay Area.